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 你之前几部影片毁在了自己手里 You kill your film several times. 主要是因为你对公众提及过多 Mostly by talking about it. 戏如梦境 A film is a dream. 一旦用纸笔和摄像机加以记录

 它便不复存在 You kill it writing it down, you kill it with a camera, 演员们入木三分的表演 Your film might come to life for a moment or two when 也许能给影片注入一丝生气 your actors breathe life back into it, 但其终究难逃失败的宿命

 无人问津 But then it dies again, buried in film cans. 干这行的奇妙之处在于

 在工作室里 Mysteriously, sometimes, in the editing room... 胶片的剪辑拼合

 缔造了一个个奇迹 a miracle happens when you place one image next to another 如果你足够幸运 so that when finally an audience sits in the dark 作品便能历经重重登上大银幕 if you"re lucky, very lucky, 我也被幸运垂青过 and sometimes I"ve been lucky 但现实却再次将梦境吞没 the dream flickers back to life again. 这就是我注重隐私的原因 That"s why I"m secretive. 那么


  So, what"s your favorite pasta? 总算来了个靠谱的问题 Finally, a serious question. 九 电影城摄影棚


 1965 年 Cinecitta Film Studios Rome 1965 导演

 祝你好运 Good luck, Maestro. 导演


 导演 Maestro, maestro, maestro. 孔蒂尼导演 Maestro Contini


  How do you begin? 影片要如何开场呢

  How do you begin this thing? 第一页


 第一页 Page one, page one, page one... 空无一文 Page nothing. 圭多



 丹特 Guido, you"re here. - Buongiorno, Dante. 我到处找你呢 I"ve been looking for you all over the place. 就快开机了吧

  The set"s coming along, eh? 你怎么样


 谢谢 How are you? - Bene, grazie, bene. 瞧你胡子邋遢的

 好好打理一下吧 My God you look terrible. Better go to makeup. 可别忘了还有新闻发布会呢 Forgot you"ve got a press conference? 他没打领带



 梳洗一下 He has no tie. - Yes, makeup and wardrobe. 孔蒂尼先生


 他负责核算成本 Signor Contini, I"m Fausto. - He"s counting cost. 银行派他来的 The bank wants him here. 孔蒂尼先生


 我来和他说 Signor Contini. - Don"t speak to him, I speak to him. 我想问孔蒂尼先生一些问题 Okay. I have some questions for Signor Contini. 大家都等着向孔蒂尼先生提问呢 You all have questions for Signor Contini. 没错

 但是拜托 Yes, but please. 按照惯例

 在电影开拍前 I think it"s customary for there to be an approved 应该核准剧本和资金预算 script and budget before filming commence. 他不会一直跟着咱们吧

  Is he going to follow us? 我并不是有意刁难

 It"s not my intention to be difficult, Maestro. 我是孔蒂尼导演的忠实粉丝 I"m a huge admirer of Maestro Contini"s movies 您的早期作品...

 深受观众喜爱 your early films are... everybody loves them. 能见到你真是三生有幸 And I consider it a great honor for me to be here. 但尽管如此

 我还是得拿到剧本和预算 But nonetheless, I need a script and a budget 您想把留言放在哪

 放我桌上 Where do you want your messages? - On my desk. 您桌上已经腾不出空地儿了 There"s no room on your desk. 我也没辙了

 扔垃圾桶吧 Under my desk. In the trash. Non lo so. 好啊


 给我拿根烟来 Ciao, Paula. Get me a cigarette. 咱们肯定来不及在十天之内开机 We will never be ready to shoot in ten days. 杰克利... Jaconelli... 什么


 听我说 What? Not ready? - Ascolta me. 管好你的嘴

 那家伙是银行派来盯梢的 Be careful what you say. He"s a spy from the bank. 他根本不是银行的人 He"s not exactly from the bank. 演员在您的办公室等您 You have actors waiting for you in your office. 你整个上午都有试镜安排 You have auditions all morning. 你得看看我发现了啥宝贝

 我看中了一对姐妹花 You should see what I found. I found two sisters... 我得抽几口烟才行 I need a cigarette. 莉莉

 给他找件衬衣和领带 He needs a shirt and a tie, Lilli. 想要咖啡

 就先回答我的问题 Answer the question and I will give you a coffee 想要抽烟

 就再多回答一个 Answer another, and I will give you a cigarette.


 冷静点儿 Actually need an Aspirin. - Calm down. 咱俩都清楚

 当导演免不了被盛名所累 Directing a movie is a very overrated job, we all know it. 你只管回答是与不是就行了

 用不着操心别的事 You just have to say yes or no. What else? Nothing. "用红色怎么样"行"绿色呢"不行 "Should this be Red?" Yes. "Green?" No "再来点"行"再涂点唇膏"不行 "More extras?" Yes "More lipstick?" No 是



 不是 Yes. No. Yes. No. 说的没错

 导演就这么回事 That"s right. That"s directing. 答案是什么其实无关紧要 It doesn"t seem to make any difference what the answer is. 好吧


 是或者不是 So, please, Guido, yes or no. 这部片子需要服装吗 Do you want costumes in this film? 需要


 不费吹灰之力 Yes. - You see? Simple. 能告诉我影片的档期吗 Might I know what period the movie is in? 快了 Soon. 制片人在这儿可不受欢迎 You know I don"t allow producers in here. 圭多

 给你两分钟准备 Two minutes Guido. 可算走了 He"s gone. 剧本有进展吗 Have you written a word of the script? 没有 No. 你现在惊慌不安么

  Are you in a panic? 是的 Yes. 路易莎会陪你出席发布会吗

 Is Luisa going with you to the Press Conference? 不


 只有丹特和他的眼线 No. Nobody. Dante and his spy. 你得刮刮胡子

 瞧你这胡子拉碴的 You need to shave. You look terrible. 为什么这儿没有逃生梯呢

  Why is there no fire escape in here? 万一有人要逃命怎么办

  What if somebody needed to escape? 我没法应对那帮记者

 没啥好说的 I can"t face these reporters. I have nothing to say. 你会没事的 You"ll be fine. 亲爱的

 扁的都能被你说成圆的 You"re a world class liar, darling. 尽管去为意大利吹嘘吧 Go out there and lie for Italy. 替意大利说谎 Lie for Italia. 我这到底是怎么了

  What the hell is wrong with me? 彻夜难寐


 没法创作 I can"t sleep, I can"t think, I can"t write. 甚至没法自主呼吸

 心跳加剧 I can"t breathe. My heart is racing. 妈妈

 我这是要死了吗 Am I dying, Mamma? 我知道我欠你一大束鲜花 I owe you flowers, I know. 我周末会来给你上坟 I will come to the cemetery at the weekend. 妈妈

 您应该让我把您葬在罗马才对 You should have let me bury you in Roma, Mamma. 这样我就能每周去看你 Could have visited you every week. 别那么盯着我看 Don"t look at me like that. 圭多

 圭多 Oh, Guido, Guido. 圭多

 是你成就了罗马 This is your Rome, Guido.

 人们通过你的作品了解罗马 The world sees Rome the way you invented it. 你的作品功不可没 Your films did that. 我非常想你

 我也想你 I miss you. - I miss you too. 我们在这等待孔蒂尼的到来 We are just waiting for the arrival of Contini any moment now 这部影片能否让他重返巅峰

  Could this film put the Maestro back on top? 他来了 And here he is! 感谢您的到来 Thank you for coming. 请保持安静


 谢谢 Silenzio, per favore. Thank you, thank you. 有请和孔蒂尼导演长♥期♥合作的制♥作♥人发言 Guido Contini"s long time producer, is about to speak 我只想说几句心里话 I just want to say a few words from my heart. 我非常荣幸能继续担任孔蒂尼导演 I am humbled and thrilled to announce that I"m producing 下部作品的制片人 Guido Contini"s next film: "意大利" "Italia" 哪位影星将再次领衔出演这部作品呢

  which will star once again Contini"s longtime inspiration 国际影星克劳迪娅·简森 the international film star, Claudia Jenssen. 影片将于十天内在电影城开机 We start shooting in ten days time in Cinecitta 也就是下周星期一 That makes it one week from Monday. 谢谢你


 非常感谢 Thank you, Maestro, thank you very much. 这是我们合作的第九部影片

 圭多·孔蒂尼 This is our ninth film together. Guido Contini. 感谢各位的到来 Thanks for coming, everybody. 孔蒂尼导演


 Maestro Contini. - Yes? 谢谢


 这可是个大主题 Grazie. Maestro Contini, your new film is called Italia. Big title. 这其实是我最短的片名了 Actually it"s my shortest title yet. 但却挺高调的

 拍电影可不能虚掩声势 But hardly a modest one. - Films are not modest. 影片投资巨大

 耗时漫长 They cost too much, they take too long, 凝结了许多人的心血 and they involve too many people. 必须选择有价值的主题 They should have grand titles. 能否透露一下影片的大概内容

  And might you tell the press what the film is about? 为什么呢

  Why? 我到现在还没弄清上部作品说的啥 I still don"t know what my last film was about. 说到点子上了

 其他人也是一头雾水 That was the problem. Nobody else did. 我当然可以告诉你影片的大致内容 Of course I can tell you what my film is about 我可以向你介绍剧情

 我可以告诉你... I can tell you the story, I can tell you.... 将要启用的演员阵容

 原声音乐 who I am going to cast, the music I want to use, 我可以对你们毫无保留

 但我不会这么做 I can tell you everything. But I won"t. 我担心自己会一不小心说漏嘴 I"m afraid that what I say might leak to the press. 我们的下部作品将完全切合其片名 Our next film will be exactly as it sounds. 意大利 Italia. 着眼对意大利精神的刻画 It"s the very spirit of Italy. 意大利是段传奇

 是位女性 Italy as a myth, Italy as a woman, 意大利是一个梦想 Italy as a dream.



 我都迫不及待了 Is this true? - Sounds fantastic. Can"t wait to see it. 会考虑融入情♥色♥元素么

  Do you consider pornography art? 孔蒂尼先生

 斯蒂芬妮 Signor Contini. - Stephanie. 您能向美国的时尚女性们透露一下 Could you tell the fashionable women of America 哪位设计师是您的最爱

  who your favorite designer is? 我觉得内在美比外在美更重要 I"m less interested in wrapping than what might be inside. 孔蒂尼先生

 您可谓云游四方 Signor Contini, you are a man of the world, yes? 在英国完成学业

 在法国安家 Educated in Britain, a home in Biarritz. 将您归为意大利人是不是有失公允

  With Italia is it fair to say that you"e come home for good? 您已经很长时间没和您妻子合作了 It"s been a long time since you made a movie with your wife 您打算让她出演这部新片吗

  Do you plan on casting her in this new film? 我向路易莎承诺过

 结婚之后 I told Luisa that when we got married I would never again 绝不会再和女一号♥有染 make love to my leading lady. 但自从你们在一起后她便淡出影坛了 But she hasn"t worked at all since working with you. 您为何要对这部影片三缄其口呢

  But why are you being so tight-lipped about this film? 我是很认真地问您


  It"s a serious question. What"s the big deal? 我愿来到此地 I would like to be here. 你让我在新闻发布会上保持严肃

  You want me to be serious in a press conference? 我愿去往那里 I would like to be there. 我感觉自己像是马戏团的小丑 I thought I was the clown in this circus. 我愿即刻去往任何角落

 I would like to be everywhere at once 我深知这有多么不切实际 I know that"s a contradiction in terms 艺术家的鼎盛时刻往往都在成名之前 Signor Contini, artists do their best work before they"re famous. 现在您声名远扬 Now you"re famous. 我并不想当众扫兴

 但您之前两部作品... Without wishing to be negative, your last two films, they were... 票房♥毒药

  Flops? 没错

 票房♥毒药 Your word, flops. 这可是件麻烦事儿 And it"s a problem especially when 我已年近五旬

 可心里年龄... My body"s nearing fifty, as my mind is nearing... 却仍停留在十岁 ten. 我想问问您是否过于紧张

 您看上去很紧张 I"m just asking if you"re nervous. You seem nervous. 什么


 我的意思是 Excuse me? - What I"m asking, Maestro, 我的问题让您无言以对了吗

  is have you run out of things to say? 我没法熬夜

 却又彻夜难眠 I can hardly stay up, and I can"t get to sleep. 我不愿明早睁开双眼 And I don"t want to wake tomorrow morning 去面对纷至沓来的压力 at the bottom of some heap. 为何要这般咄咄逼人

  But why take it so seriously? 毕竟只有我独自遭受这一切 After all, there"s nothing at stake here, only me. 我想让时光倒流

 却又盼望早日老去 I want to be young. I want to be old. 我想在生命终结前变得睿智 I would like to be wise before my time and yet 执迷不悟

 无知无畏 be foolish and brash and bold.


 对我说 I would like the universe to get down on its knees and say: "圭多

 你可以随心所欲 Guido, whatever you please. "就算是天上的星星

 我们都会去摘给你" It"s okay even if it"s impossible, we"ll arrange it." 这就是我的奢望 That"s all that I want. 请问您是否觉得影片所表述的内容 I was wondering if you think there"s a limit to what 过于狭隘

  you can show in a movie. 在我尚未展示的东西里 What would you like to see, 你最想看到什么

  that I haven"t already shown you? 我的欲望无穷无尽 I am lusting for more 我应该适可而止吗

  Should I settle for less? 我来问你

 一个胸无大志的人 I ask you: What"s a good thing for if not for 如何成为人中龙凤

  taking it to excess? 目光狭隘

 我深表遗憾 One limitation I dearly regret. 可这就是独一无二的我 There"s one of me I"ve ever met. 如果各位还有关于... If you have any questions about... 我多想和世上另一个自己结伴同游 I would like to have another me to travel along with myself 我甚至想和自己一起引吭高歌♥ I would even like to be able to sing a duet with myself 我多想和另一个自己哼着小曲儿 I would like to be here sing along with myself in a song 沿着小路游山玩水 To be there walking down a lane now 去往每一个角落 Everywhere, everywhere, everywhere 我深知这有多么不切实际

 That"s a contradiction in terms. 我想去往一个截然不同的世界 I want to be here, with a counter here 那里充满音符

 天地由我圭多主宰 melody in the here, top of the morning to you Guido. 圭多




  Guido! Guido! Guido! Guido! 圭多


 我想成为普鲁斯特 Guido. Me, me, me. I want to be Proust 或是萨德侯爵 or the marquis de Sade. 我想成为耶稣

 穆♥罕♥默♥德♥和佛陀 I would like to be Christ, Mohammed, Buddha 这绝非出于信奉神灵 But not have to believe in God, and you know 这都是我的肺腑之言 I mean it with all of my heart. 若这世上有尚未绽放便已凋零的花朵 It"s the end if something important doesn"t start 那就是我渴望时光倒流

 却发现自己正悄然老去 I want to be young, but I have to be old 我想要成为愚昧之人 What I want is a tale of sound and fury, 四处奔走相告的伟大传说 that some idiot went and told. 我想让整个宇宙臣服于我

 对我说 I would like the universe to get down on its knees and say: "圭多


 就算是天上的星星 "Guido, whatever you please. It"s okay even if it"s ridiculous, "我们都会去摘给你" we"ll arrange it." 那就去履行承诺吧 So arrange it. 履行承诺吧 Arrange it. 这就是我想要的一切 That"s all that I want. 圭多


 圭多 Guido, Guido, Guido! 圭多


 圭多 Guido, Guido, Guido!





 孔蒂尼 Contini, Contini, Contini, Contini, Contini 圭多 Guido! 贝拉维斯温泉酒店


 意大利 Bellavista Spa Hotel Anzio, Italy 我要订间房♥

 没问题 I need a room. - Of course. 一个套间

 好的 A suite. - Yes. 带阳台的海景房♥

 提供空气 With a view of the sea, balcony. Something with air. 我们的房♥间都有空气 All of our suites have air. 我帮您看看

 我从米兰来 Let me just look for you. - I come from Milano. 明白


 我是商人 I understand. - On business. I"m a business man. 大忙人一个 Busy busy busy. 孔蒂尼导演


  Would Maestro Contini prefer to register under a pseudonym? 有劳了 Please. 米兰先生

 还不错 Signor Milano? - Why not. 不用说

 我是您的忠实影迷 Needless to say, I love your films. 承蒙厚爱

 您的早期作品 Guilty pleasure. - Those early films. 谁会爱票房♥毒药呢 Not the flops. 我想看医生


  I need to see a doctor. Do you know one who"s discreet? 尽早安排他来我的房♥间 I"d like to see him today in my room, now, if possible. 包在我身上

 您请 Consider it done. Please. 我还得和我老婆打个电♥话♥

 好的 And I need to place a call. To my wife. - Yes. 给您

 Here. 您可以用那边的公用电♥话♥ You can take the call at the lobby phone over there. 路易莎



  Luisa? tesoro... - There you are. 大家都在生我气吧

  Is everybody mad at me? 我就在气头上呢


  Well I"m mad at you. Where are you? 我从新闻发布会上开溜了 I had to escape from the press conference. 听说了

 你可真行啊 Oh, I heard. Dramatic. 别取笑我了


 我病了 Don"t tease me. I"m sick, Luisa. 你正拍着电影呢

 一拍电影你就生病 You"re making a film. You make a film, you get sick. 早就习惯了 It"s what happens. 不


 我快窒息了 No but this time I"m really sick. I can"t breathe. 你一个人吗

  Are you by yourself? 是啊

 还能有谁呢 Yes, of course I"m by myself. 要我过去吗


 我就为这事儿找你 Then shall I come? - Yes, please come. That"s why I"m calling. 赶紧来吧

 你来了我就踏实了 Please come, straight away. That would be wonderful. 好吧 Okay. 太好了

 太好了 Great. Marvelous. 我还不知道你在哪呢 I don"t know where you are. 我也不知道


 我开车随便找的 I don"t know. Some spa. I just kept driving. 你让我上哪儿找你呢 I can"t come if I don"t know where you are. 还是别辛苦你了

 我这两天就回去 Actually, it"s hardly worth it. I"ll be back in a day or two.

 好吧... Yeah... 确实没必要大老远跑去 Yes, it"s hardly worth it. 我真希望你在我身边 I do wish you were here. 好好休息

 泡个热水澡 Get some rest. Take the waters. 补补觉

 回来之后再专心拍片 Sleep. Then come back here and make a good movie. 我爱你 I love you. 多保重 Get better. 您的医生马上就到 Your doctor is on his way. 打这个号♥码

 如果是女的接电♥话♥ This number. If a woman answers, put it through 就转到我房♥间 to my room. 如果不是...

 就说打错了 Otherwise... - Wrong number. 怎么样

  What? 医生 Dottore. 她嘀咕什么呢


  What is she whispering? Is it about my blood pressure? 严重么


  Is it serious? Am I dying? 因为压力过重



 心脏和肾脏 Stress, exhaustion, your liver, your heart, your kidneys, 都出现了不同的问题 They are all very cross with you, Signore. 张嘴

 啊 Open wide. - Ahhhh. 不过你可算来对了地方 But you"ve come to the right place. 这周围有许多温泉疗养中心 There are a dozen mineral springs around the town. 连罗马国王都专程跑来享受温泉

 The Roman emperors came here for the waters. 你好 Pronto. 你打来电♥话♥时

 我还在赖床 I was lazing about my bedroom when you called 突然灵光一现

 我猜你 and an idea occurred to me I thought you might be... 可能想知道 wondering about. 圭多 Guido. 医生


 我必须得接 It"s a very important call, doctor. I have to take it. 私人电♥话♥

 请便 Private call. - As you wish. 是谁一♥丝♥不♥挂♥

  Who"s not wearing any clothes? 亲爱的

 非我莫属 I"m not, my darling. 谁会畏惧亲吻你的趾间

  Whose afraid to kiss your toes? 我才不会 I"m not. 你亲爱的宝贝 Your mama dear 在你耳边轻声低语 is blowing into your ear 你能听得一清二楚 so you"ll get it loud and clear 我要你爱抚我 I need you to squeeze me 这里 here 这里 and here 还有这里 and here 医生

 他的脉搏急剧加升 Dottore, his pulse, it"s racing. 出什么事了吗


  Is something wrong? - What?



 罗马教廷来的电♥话♥ Yes, yes, it"s about my film. It"s from the Vatican. 主教大人


 我当然在听 Go ahead, Monsignore. Yes, yes. Of course I"m listening. 咕叽



 咕 cootchie cootchie cootchie coo 我已经想好了 I"ve got a plan for 要如何好好服侍你 what I"m gonna do to you 热辣至极 So hot 你将精疲力尽 you"re gonna steam 尖叫连连 and scream, 好比我手中 and vibrate like a 肆意挥舞的皮绳 string I"m plucking. 亲吻你发烫的额头 Kiss your fevered little brow 夹紧你的双♥臀♥

 直到你出声求饶 pinch your cheeks "til you say "Ow" 我再也按耐不住 And I can hardly wait 心中的欲♥火♥ to show you how, 圭多 Guido! 就算你不分白昼地工作

 无暇顾及我 Who won"t care if you come to me tired 我也毫不介意

 宝贝 and overworked? I won"t! Bambino. 谁能比我更懂得 Who knows the therapy 如何抚慰你的心灵

  to beat what you can get from me? 无人能及 I don"t! 但此刻

 But this will 拥有眼前的一切便已足够 have to be enough for now 圭多 Guido! 嘿 Ciao. 我爱你

 圭多 I love you, Guido. 圭多 Guido! 嘿 Ciao! 卡拉

 见到你太开心了 Carla - I"m so happy to see you! 我想死你了 I missed you so much. 我来这儿你开心么

 当然开心 Are you happy I"m here? - Of course. 很开心还是一般开心

  But very happy or just a little happy? 非常开心 Very happy! 怎么了

 你看上去一脸疲惫 What"s wrong? You look very tired! 卡拉


  Carla, all those bags for one weekend? 是啊

 贝拉维斯可是时尚之都 Yes. Belavista is a very fashionable place. 战争时期

 我和父母在那儿住过 You know I stayed there with my parents. During the war. 卡拉

 有件事我必须和你说 Carla, there"s something I have to tell you. Look. 酒店的人认出我了 They found out who I am at the hotel. 不是吧


 太可怕了 No. - Yes, it"s horrible. 为了咱俩能不被外界打扰 Obviously we don"t want to be followed by the press, 我给你找了家温馨舒适的小旅馆 I found the most charming pensione for you,


 非常舒适 right here, it"s charming. 火车站附近

  Here at the station? 把窗帘拉上吧

 光线太刺眼了 Close the curtains, it"s too light in here. 好极了



  Perfect. Go to the corridor. - What? 先去走廊

 数到十再回来 Yes. Count to ten, turn back in, 就当你走错了 pretend you"re in the wrong room 误闯了陌生人的房♥间 and I"m a complete stranger. 你总有招数逗我开心 I love your games. 我可是来办正事的

 好吧 I"m here on business. - Okay. 等等



  Wait, wait, your face. - What about it? 把化妆品拿过来 Get your makeup. 我昨晚做了噩梦 I had a nightmare last night. 我梦见我们在纳沃纳广场后面的小店 We went into that little ally behind Piazza Navona 就是我给你买♥♥围巾的那家店


  Where I bought you that scarf, remember? 你老婆也买♥♥了同一款


 别动 The same your wife bought - Don"t move, Carla. 你后来都分不清哪条是我买♥♥的 When you wear it I never know if it"s hers or mine. 我们赤身裸体在地上亲吻 So we were there on the ground, naked, kissing. 毫无顾忌 We didn"t care. 然后我老公闯了进来

 挥着铁铲 And then my husband arrived and killed us both. 把咱俩都给杀了 With a shovel. 可怜的路易基


 Poor Luigi. He would never do that. 大好人一个 He"s so sweet. 他说拉丁语

 他对历代罗马帝王如数家珍 He speaks Latin. He knows all the roman emperors. 不错嘛 Good for him. 也许他还能在电影里客串一把 Perhaps there is a job for him in the movie. 行啊 Why not? 你俩肯定能成为出色的工作伙伴 You could work well together. 美极了 Beautiful. 一会儿你进来的时候

 要像小野兽一样哦 When you come in I want you to be my little savage. 好滴


 去吧 Yes. - Go, go. 你当我是你的演员呢


 卡拉 You think I"m one of your actresses? - Please, Carla! 天哪

 这不是麦姐么 Oh! Madonna! 我会假装睡着了 I"ll pretend to be asleep. 万一我真走错房♥间了呢

  What if I really found the wrong room? 你会吃醋么

  Would you be jealous? 你不是说真的吧

  Would you do such a thing? 这可说不好哦 Who knows? 怎么了

  What happened? 旅馆的老板娘 It was the woman from the hotel. 给我拿浴巾呢 She wanted to give me towels. 过来吧

 好啊 Come here. - Okay.


 你不是陌生人么 What? - You are a stranger. 咱俩不认识

 快过来 I don"t know you. - Just come here. 野蛮一点 Be savage. 给我瞧瞧 Show me. 不好意思 Excuse me. 我走错房♥间了 I"ve got the wrong room. 没错 Yes you have. 我压根不认识你 And I don"t have the faintest idea who you are. 第一页 Page one. 第一页


 第一页 Page one, page one, page one. 她恍若女神般从黑暗中走来 The figure emerges from the darkness, like a goddess. 克劳迪娅

 他的女神 She"s Claudia, his muse. 她亲抚他的面颊

 深情一吻 She takes the man"s face and kisses him. 这一举动让他重拾写作灵感 And with that gesture he"s suddenly inspired to write 从而写下...

 寓意深远的作品 something... profound. 圣母玛利亚

 请为我指明方向 Mother of God, give me a sign. 神父


 早上好 Excuse me, father. - Buongiorno. 红衣主教阁下...

 孔蒂尼导演 His Excellency, the Cardinal... - Signor Contini! 我是你的忠实影迷 I"m a big fan! 要是能和主教大人聊上几句

 我将荣幸之至 I would very much like to speak to the cardinal 克劳迪娅·简森也在这吗

 Is Claudia Jensen with you? 没有

 真遗憾 No. - Pity. 主教大人十分仰慕简森小姐 His Excellency is a big admirer of Signorina Jenssen. 我需要受人指点

 给我一些启发... I"m in need of some guidance, some pointers... 你有办法弄到简森小姐的签名照吗

  Do you think you can find a signed photograph of Signorina Jenssen? 送给主教大人

 是的 For His Excellency? - Si. 包在我身上


 太感谢了 I"m sure it would be possible. - Truly? What a pleasure. 一会儿见

 导演 Arrivederci, Maestro. 圭多

 圭多 Guido! Guidino! 你咋会找到这儿来 I"m not going to ask how you find me. 谁让我吃这碗饭呢

 制片人必须时刻掌握 Please, it"s my job. A producer needs to know where his 合作导演的行踪 director is at all times. 还得摸清他喜欢在哪金屋藏娇 Even to know the pensione where his mistress is staying. 天哪


 我还不了解你么 Oh my God. - I understand, Guido. 罗马那地方众目睽睽

 压力不小啊 Rome is absolutely unbearable. The pressure. 我能体谅你


  It"s not good. - Really, you understand? 我当然懂啊

 完全理解 Of course I understand. Absolutely. 你不是来拎我回去的吧

  You"re not going to drag me back? 你可是不可多得的人才

 当然得好生伺候 You"re a genius and genius must be served. 多谢了



  Thank you my old friend. Where are we going? 你不想回罗马

 没问题 You can"t be in Rome? Okay.

 那就让罗马不请自来 Rome will come to you. 这是你绝佳的工作场所 It"s a fantastic place for you to focus. 大家都已整装待发 Everyone is here to help the movie. 圭多

 大伙儿这么做都是出于对你的爱戴 Everyone is here because they love you, Guido. 看看

 有花有草 Look, with the flower and the grass 还有罗马式拱形门

 真正的罗马帝国 and with the arches of the empire. Roman empire. 还记得唐纳提拉么

  You remember Donatella? 你好

 你好 Ciao. - Ciao. 唐纳提拉


 当时我太紧张了 Donatella, you tested her. - I was very nervous 他可能对我没印象了

 我紧张得不行 He probably doesn"t remember. I was quite nervous. 不


 我们都认为你不错 No, I remember you. We all enjoyed you, so to speak. 导演 Maestro! 克劳迪娅的经纪人打来的 Claudia"s agent. 她对剧本感兴趣吗

  Did she like the script? 不



 不可能 No, no no no. Impossibile. 她还没拿到剧本

  Are you telling me she didn"t get the script? 皮耶罗


  Pierpaulo! Claudia didn"t get the script! 你是怎么干活的

 赶紧给她送过去 Send her another one, for Christ sake. Send her two! 好的


 蠢货 Yes, I"m sorry. - Cretino! 赶紧的 Right now. 没错


 Yes, that"s what I say. 人们还没发觉她身上的巨星潜质 People just don"t realize she"s an actress as well as a star. 丹特急着有话和你说

 再见 I know Dante"s dying to talk to you. A dolpo. Ciao! 隆巴多 Lombardo. 咱们这算怎么回事

  What are we doing here? 我心情不错

 买♥♥了套泳装 I"m happy. I brought my swimsuit. 昨天是路易莎的生日 It was Luisa"s birthday yesterday. 什么


 天哪 What? No! Oh please God, no. 我昨天和她通了电♥话♥

 没听她提起啊 I spoke with her yesterday, she didn"t even mention it. 拿根烟给我


  Give me a cigarette. - What"s that? 那又是啥

 给克劳迪娅穿的 What"s that? - It"s for Claudia. 哪场戏

  For which scene? 我连剧本都没看过

 我咋知道 I don"t know which scene, until I"ve seen the script. 不过她一直喜欢这类装扮 But she always likes something like this, 或者是你喜欢

 跟牧女游乐园的舞♥女♥似的 Or you do. - Looks like Folies Bergere, 这样可不行

 意大利女人从不这么打扮 It"s wrong. Italian women don"t wear those things. 别提牧女游乐园了 Don"t knock the Folies Bergere. 勾起了我的快乐回忆

 我就是在那... It brings back happy memories, that"s where I... 学习艺术设计

 接触这些亮片和羽毛 learned my art. All those sequins, all those feathers. 你这么说就错了 And you"re wrong. 当初可是你让克劳迪娅 You put Claudia in one of these for that

 在"静物素描"里这么穿的 nightclub scene in "Natura Morta". 人们怎么会喜欢那部电影

  Why do people love that film? 圭多


 都已经过去了 Oh, Guido. Don"t, that"s death. 咱们得着眼于未来才是 Every time we have to start again. 我一直在找原因 I"m trying to find it. 省省吧

 你脑子被门板夹了 You won"t find it with your head jammed halfway up your arse. 烟灰缸 Ashtray. 你刚才说我脑子被门板夹了

  You were saying my head is jammed up my arse. 确实有点 Halfway. 我不明白



  I don"t know. Why not dream up something entertaining? 载歌♥载舞的那种 Something with music. With dancing. 人生得意须尽欢 God knows we could use a little "joie de vivre". 电影业遇到麻烦了 Le Cinema today is in a crisis. 导演们个个迂腐守旧 The directors are so existentialistes. 如果热吻中的恋人无法吟唱情歌♥ The movies are not worth their entrance prices 电影便失去了应有的价值 If no one sings a love song when he"s kissed. 没了歌♥声

 爱情则失去了意义 Love cannot be love without "Le Singing", 弦乐


 萨克斯 A string, a clarinet a saxophone. 听听我这位巴黎老妇的建议 Take a lesson from this old Parisienne and 这是我眼里最美妙的表演 the finest entertainment she has known. 牧女游乐园

 Folies Bergere 色彩绚烂的华服

 美轮美奂的舞蹈 What a showing of color, costume and dancing. 牧女游乐园一刻值千金 Not a moment in life could be more entrancing. 这是此生最美的风景 Than an evening you spend aux Folies Bergere. 牧女游乐园 Folies Bergere. 当人们把目光投向 Not a soul in the world could be in despair 牧女游乐园的舞台 when he is glancing 世上便不会再有失落的灵魂 at the fabulous stage des Folies Bergere 牧女游乐园 FOLIES BERGERE 音乐





 晚安 Bon soir, bon soir, bon soir. 牧女游乐园是颗璀璨的星 Je suis la vedette des Folies Bergere.

 就是星星的意思 Vedette, it means "star". 听我说 Let me tell you: 昨晚我坐在你们的位置上 Last night I looked down at this table

 看着眼前的桌子 in the chairs you are sitting in now 我看到了什么

  and what do I see? 一位神父


  A priest! And next to him? 天哪



  Mon Dieu. Guido? Guido Contini? 你来牧女游乐园干嘛呢

  What are you doing here at the Folies Bergere? 小淘气

 你才九岁呢 You naughty boy! You"re only nine years old! 但我很高兴你能来 But I"m glad you"ve come. 想上台和我一起表演么

  Would you like to join me on stage? 好极了



 来 Yes, come! Come, come, come! 感觉好多了吧

  Feeling better? 这是个生机勃勃的地方 There"s no room for hopelessness here, 圭多


  is there, Guido? 我们得向小圭多解释一下 We must explain something to our young Guido. 我们所追求的是什么

 欢笑 What do we want? Laughter! 我们所追求的是什么

 爱情 What do we want? Love! 我们所追求的是什么

 梦想 What do we want? Dreams! 圭多


 永远不要忘记 Let us not forget, Guido, mon cher, 娱乐至上

 是我们最大的荣幸 that is our privilege: To entertain! 牧女游乐园 Folies Bergere 音乐


 欢笑 The music, the lights and the laughter. 这就是你所追求的一切

 The answer to what you are after. 难忘在牧女游乐园的每个夜晚 Each night at the Folies Bergere. 牧女游乐园 Folies Bergere 你可以向上天起誓 By the heavens above you will swear 牧女游乐园 there"s nothing rarer. 是世上绝无仅有的快乐港湾 Than the Folies Bergere. 牧女游乐园 Folies Bergere 舞台上人声鼎沸 The stage overflowing and giving 让你我为音乐而生 a musical reason for living 在牧女游乐园的每个夜晚 each night at the Folies Bergere. 牧女游乐园 Folies Bergere 为了你那新潮的理念 To your modern ideas I compare 摇摆双♥臀♥ one derriere 就在牧女游乐园 at the Folies Bergere 你所追求的一切 The answer to what you are after 音乐


 欢笑 The music, the lights and the laughter 尽在牧女游乐园 of the Follies Berger! 主教大人就在这里 The Cardinal is right this way. 阁下

 这位是孔蒂尼先生 Your Eminence, Signor Contini is here. 我喜欢查理·卓别林 I like Charlie Chaplin. 我也喜欢 Me too.

 不可多得的人才 A genius. 我能为你做些什么呢

  What can I do for you? 你相信上帝吗

 孔蒂尼先生 Do you believe in God? - Signor Contini, please. 没关系

 他只是提出心中所想 No, no, it"s an honest question. 是的


 我也相信 Yes, I believe in God. - So do I. 你是基♥督♥教♥徒♥吗

  Are you a catholic? 是的


 但我的言行并不尽如人意 Yes, very much so. Not as much as I would like to be. 也一定没能达到你所期盼的标准 Not as much as you would like me to be, I"m sure, 不过我一直在努力 but certainly yes, I"m trying. 多用点心


 我一定努力 Try harder. - Yes, I will. 阁下... Your Eminence... 我过得并不快乐 I"m not happy, 我在追寻某样东西 I"m searching for something. 我对前路充满迷茫

 失落 I feel a sense of misery, of despair... 我看过你的电影

 那些票房♥卖♥♥座的作品 I saw your films. Not the flops, the others, the good ones. 你不觉得性场景有点多吗

  But you think people need to see so much sex? 这是可有可无的 It"s not necessary. 人们可以发挥想像 We can all imagine. 不好意思

 我的作品就源于我的想像 Excuse me. My films are what I imagine. 那你的想像力显然没受过道德训练 Then your imagination has no moral training. 想像力可以训练么

 How do you train the imagination? 想像力是上帝的花♥园♥ Imagination is God"s garden. 绝不容许邪恶之物的玷污 Don"t let the Devil play in it. 教育意大利女...

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