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 -是啊 - It"s lucky it didn"t reach the house. - Yeah. 艾德·盖恩的农舍


 1944 年 密尔沃基的那个工厂 You know, there"s gonna be a lot more jobs 六月份又要招工了 at that factory in Milwaukee come June. 我可以帮你说说情 I could put in a word. 亨利

 你不能离开我们 You just can"t leave us, Henry. 咱们两个她都离不开 She needs us both. 你能别老像个长不大的孩子吗 Can you stop being a momma"s boy for one second? 我不是故意要伤你 I"m not trying to hurt you, 但是你总得独♥立♥生活吧 but Jesus, you got to live your own life sometime. 那女人完全可以自己照顾... That woman can take care of her own goddamn... 晚上好 Good evening. 虽然自该隐和亚伯起手足间就开始相残 Brother has been killing brother since Cain and Abel, 但我仍然没想到会有这样的事情发生 yet even I didn"t see that coming. 该隐和亚伯皆为亚当夏娃之子

 该隐亲手杀了亚伯 我和这个可怜的老亨利一样被蒙在鼓里 I was as blind-sided as poor old Henry down there. 而警方显然和我一样天真 Apparently the authorities shared my naivet. 也就是说他们轻信了这个年轻人的说辞 In other words, they believed the young man"s story 亨利摔倒了

 头撞到石头上 that Henry fell, hit his head on a stone, 然后被烟雾呛死了 and died of smoke asphyxiation. 不过

 如果警方没信他的话 On the other hand, if they hadn"t believed him, 艾德·盖恩也就不会有机会犯下

 Ed Gein would never have had the opportunity to commit those 艾德·盖恩

 美国恶名昭著的连环杀人犯 那些令其臭名昭著的恐怖罪行了 heinous crimes for which he became most famous. 那样的话 And we, of course, 也就不会有咱们这部电影了

 对吗 We wouldn"t have our little movie, would we? 希区柯克 1959 年 7 月 8 日

 芝加哥 《西北偏北》




 詹姆斯·梅森 他来了 Here he comes! 这场面实在太壮观了 This thing"s going to be gigantic. 真希望他们能分百分之二十的热情给我 I wish I had 20% of the take. 希区柯克先生

 看到今晚的大场面 Does tonight"s incredible reaction surprise you, 您感到很惊讶吗 Mr. Hitchcock? 不

 当我计划拍摄《西北偏北》的时候 No, when I was planning North by Northwest 就已经能听到之后的欢笑和尖叫 I could already hear the screams and the laughter. 有什么问题吗

 亲爱的 Any questions, my dear? 好可惜 Pity. 希区柯克先生

 您已导演了 46 部电影 Mr. Hitchcock, you"ve directed 46 motion pictures. 是电影史上最著名的导演了 You"re the most famous director in the history of the medium. 但是您已经年逾六十 But you"re sixty years old. 是否该见好就收呢 Shouldn"t you just quit while you"re ahead? 汤姆因为偷♥窥♥被穆♥罕♥默♥德♥用箭挖出了眼睛 Muhammad had the eyes of peeping Toms gouged out with arrows.

 那肯定疼死了 That must have been rather painful. 说到箭

 你看到《纽♥约♥时♥报♥》上 Talking of arrows, did you read that little snippet 魏勒那篇小采访了吗 from A.H. Weiler"s review in The New York Times? 他认为我这次的成功被过分夸大了 He said he found the climax to be "overdrawn." 我怀疑他这几年里都没尝过成功的滋味 Yes, well I doubt Mr. Weiler has had a climax in years. 《西北偏北》使我们回忆起希区柯克先生 "North by Northwest reminds us of Mr. Hitchcock"s 早期的那些独具匠心的侦探悬疑片 earlier, more inventive spy thrillers." 这儿还附了一个名单 And there is an accompanying list. 新生代的悬疑片大♥师♥们 The "New Masters of Suspense." 为什么我还好好的呢 Why do they keep looking for 他们就要急着找新人了 new ones when they still have the original? 别这么伤感

 这样只会让我更恼火 Don"t be maudlin, you know how much it aggravates me. 别看这些了 Just stop reading them. 你翻来覆去看了一周了 You"ve been reading them for a week. 亲爱的

 告诉我 Tell me, my dear, 你觉得我太老了吗 do you think I"m too old? 没错

 你就是个糟老头 Yes, you"re a true relic. 而且别忘了 And lest we forget, 你还是个胖嘟嘟的糟老头 a notably corpulent one. 你还真是知道怎么一刀毙命啊 You always know precisely where to plunge the dagger, don"t you? 就刺在肩胛骨的中间部分

 Right between the shoulder blades. 我从你电影里学来的 I learned it from your pictures. 我能问问你要去哪里吗 Where, may I ask, are you off to? 把你送到影棚后 I"m going to have brunch with Whit 我要和惠特吃顿早午饭 after I drop you off at the studio. 你要来一起吃吗 Would you care to join us? 咱们才刚刚说过

 我这么胖 We"ve just established that I"m far too corpulent 可不适合出现在光天化日之下 to be seen in broad daylight. 好啦

 你找到新题材后就会感觉好多了 You"ll feel better when you find a new project. 佩吉最近没帮你找到什么好书吗 Hasn"t Peggy unearthed any decent books for you recently? 是啊

 都是些催眠的烂书 Yes, sleeping pills with dust jackets. 我这身怎么样 So what do you think? 很拿得出手 Very presentable. 快点


 你都要泡皱了 Hurry up, dear, you"re pruning. 派拉蒙电影公♥司♥ 早上好 Good Morning. 早安

 希区柯克夫人 Ms. Hitchcock. 希区柯克先生 Mr. Hitchcock. 狗先生们 Sirs. 你一定能找到一个好题材的 There"s a project out there waiting for you, 老希

 我保证 Hitch. I promise you. 希望如此吧


 I hope so. Thank you, love. 祝你一天愉快 Have a good day. 我停滞不前了

 佩吉 I"m treading water, Peggy. 我需要的是那种不需要巨星来增色的 I need something fresh, something different. 那种新鲜而特别的题材 Without expensive stars to pretty it up. 福克斯公♥司♥已经第三次 Fox is offering you 请你拍《安妮少女日记》了 The Diary of Anne Frank for the third time. 要是我来拍

 观众们就会一直等着安妮 The audience would spend the entire picture waiting for 在她的小阁楼上发现我藏着的尸体 Miss Frank to discover the corpse I"d hidden in the attic. -你说是不是


 -是的 - Wouldn"t you agree, Nuncio? - Si. 米高梅公♥司♥想请你拍 MGM wants you for the Ian Fleming book, 伊恩·弗莱明写的那本《皇家赌场》 Casino Royale. 请加里·格兰特当男主角 Cary Grant. 这绝对是你的风格 Definitely your style. 她不知道我刚拍过这部电影吗 Doesn"t she know I just made that movie? 就叫《西北偏北》啊 It"s called North by Northwest. 而且所谓风格不过就是自我抄袭罢了 "Style," My dear, is mere self-plagiarism. 对不起 Scusi! 我正在寻找的是那种 A nice, clean, nasty little piece of work. 完美

 简洁而又阴暗的题材 That"s what I"m looking for. 我去找找看 I shall see what I can find.


 -是啊 - Serves you right. - Yeah. 你知道吗

 老希一直说你的私生活 You know, Hitch always says that your private life 快要比你写的情节都有意思了 is in danger of being more entertaining than any of your plots. 我很惊讶

 他居然同意 I"m surprised he let me have you 让我和你共度整个下午 for the whole afternoon. 尤其是你还这样美丽 Especially looking so beautiful. 跟我说说

 这些天你都忙什么呢 So tell me, what are you working on these days? 我吗 Me? 我这几天把花♥园♥收拾的非常棒 I"m satisfied working in my garden. 那花♥园♥可真幸运 Well that"s one lucky garden. 你这么使劲拍我马屁 All this relentless sycophancy is actually 我都要受不了了 giving me indigestion. 你有什么目的啊 What are you after? 我希望你能发挥特长 I was hoping you may be able 帮我修改一下这个 to apply your considerable pruning skills to this. 图穷匕♥首♥见啊 All is finally revealed. 惠特

 你这个人很好猜的 Whit, you are a little predictable. 和你一起工作是我最快乐的时光 The most fun I ever had was working with you. 亲爱的


 什么都行 Anything come up, my dear? Anything at all? 没有合适的 Nothing suitable. 那是水吗


 Is that water or do I need to call Alma? 随你便 Do whatever you want. 布彻给布洛克这本《惊魂记》的评价是 Anthony Boucher says that this book Psycho by Robert Bloch is 有趣但却邪恶 "Fiendishly entertaining." 听起来毛骨悚然

 城里每个人都看过了 It sounds ghastly. Everyone in town"s already passed. 每个人都是谁 And who is everyone, pray? 新闻编辑部今早刊登了这篇报道 The story department finished the coverage this morning. 《惊魂记》


 根据真实事件改编 写威斯康辛那个连环杀人犯艾德·盖恩的 This about Ed Gein, the mass murderer from Wisconsin? 没错 Oh, yeah. 一个集♥合♥暴♥力♥


 异装癖 "Graphic elements of brutal violence, 和乱♥伦♥形象的真实再现 voyeurism, transvestitism and incest." 太妙了

 这可不是一般水平的疯子啊 Very nice. Not your average run-of-the-mill nutcase, is he? 你开玩笑呢吧 You"re kidding. 佩吉

 他可是亲手挖出了他妈的尸体 Peggy, this is the boy who dug up his own mother. -饿了吗

 -饿死了 - Hungry? - Famished. 如果你听话

 就给你半个葡萄柚吃 You can have half a grapefruit later if you"re good. 老希

 听我说 Listen, Hitch. 昨天吃午饭时惠特给我他的新书校样 Whit gave me the galleys to his new book yesterday at lunch. 我已经有了不少改编的想法了 I"ve already got some ideas about how we can adapt it. 它优雅


 而且充满阴谋诡计 It"s elegant. It"s sophisticated. It"s full of intrigue. 你指的是书还是惠特菲尔德·库克先生

 You mean the book or Mr. Whitfield Cook? 老希

 这正是我们要找的题材啊 This could be the one, Hitch. 我等会儿再看 I"ll read it later. 那酒热量太高

 别喝了 There are calories in that, you know. 妈妈 Ma? 妈妈 Ma... 你不冷吗 Aren"t you cold? 妈妈

 不用害怕 No need to be afraid, Ma. 真烦人 Oh, God! 我就想让你读读这一小段 I just want you to read this little bit here. 故事发生在汽车旅馆的浴室里 It takes place in the motel bathroom. 玛丽开始尖叫 "Mary started to scream, 浴帘突然被分开 "And then the curtains parted further 一只握着屠刀的手突然出现 "And a hand appeared, holding a butcher"s knife. 这把刀一会儿将掐断她的尖叫 "It was the knife that, a moment later, 并砍下她的头颅 cut off her scream, and her head." 不错

 桃丽丝·戴应该给它排个音乐剧 Charming. Doris Day should do it as a musical. 美国影歌♥双栖红星 这不过是部哗众取宠的低成本惊悚片 That is nothing but low-budget horror movie claptrap. 但如果是由惊悚片大♥师♥来拍呢 But what if someone really good made a horror picture? 电影刚过一半就杀掉女主角 Just think of the shock value. 想想这给观众的冲击力吧

 Killing off your leading lady halfway through. 你肯定被吸引了吧

 是不是亲爱的 I mean, you are intrigued, are you not, my dear? 快承认吧 Come on, admit it. 承认你感兴趣 Admit it. 其实我觉得这是一个大错误 Actually, I think it"s a huge mistake. 别等到电影过半 You shouldn"t wait till halfway through. 三十分钟后就杀了她 Kill her off after thirty minutes. 你厉害 Well! 佩吉

 快去召集一下你的小喽啰们 Peggy, I want you to summon your minions. -小喽啰是什么

 -快点 - Minions? - Right away. 好啊

 可是小喽啰们都是谁啊 Certainly. And who might they be? 让他们把《惊魂记》所有书买♥♥下来 Get them started buying copies of Psycho. 你需要多少 How many do you need? 所有

 全国范围内所有的书 All of them. Every copy, nationwide. 把所有书店

 图书馆翻个底朝天 Scour every bookshop, every library. 一个地方也不能漏 And I mean everywhere. 《惊魂记》会是我下一部电影 Psycho is going to be my next movie, 在电影院播出之前 and I don"t want anyone to know the ending 我不想让任何人知道故事的结局 until they see it in the theater. 瞧瞧这个 Look at that. 你肯定吗

 这可太不像你了 Are you sure about this? This is so unlike you.


 亲爱的 That is exactly the point, my dear. 媒体各界的女士们先生们 Ladies and gentlemen of the press, 下午好 good afternoon. 我知道你们都看过艾德·盖恩的报道了 I see you"ve all been devouring the article on Mr. Ed Gein. 看到这个暴♥力♥的家伙 Violent chap, 以及这本《惊魂记》背后真实的生活灵感 and the real-life inspiration behind Psycho. 我们都被笼罩在暴♥力♥和恐怖的阴影之中 All of us harbor dark recesses of violence, and horror. 这很令人着迷

 对吗 Fascinating, isn"t it? 当威斯康辛警局突袭盖恩先生的农场时 When the Wisconsin Police Department raided Mr. Gein"s farm, 他们打开门一看 they opened the door, and voila! 眼前是十个顶部被锯开的女性头颅 They discovered ten female heads with the tops sawn off. 把这个传一下好吗

 大家都看看 Pass these around, would you? And have a look. 人皮制成的面具 Masks of human skin. 一对对嘴唇被串在绳子上当作百叶窗 A pair of lips on a drawstring for a window shade. 还有一个装满了人鼻子的大壶 Oh, yes, and a jug containing human noses. 你确定这真是你要拍的下一部电影吗 Is this really going to be your next picture, 希区柯克先生 Mr. Hitchcock? 是的夫人

 我是这样打算的 Well, that is my intention, yes, madam. 我唯一的期望就是艾德·盖恩看起来 My only wish is that Ed Gein looked a 更像威廉·霍尔登而非艾玛·福德 little more like William Holden instead of Elmer Fudd. 威廉·霍尔登





 样貌滑稽丑陋 另外

 尝尝那些手指三明治 By the way, try the finger sandwiches. 那是真手指头做的 They"re real fingers. 我的天啊 Bloody hell! 他没看你的书

 别装作你不介意 Now don"t pretend you"re not upset he hasn"t read it. 我确实没介意

 我又不是小孩 I"m not. I"m a big boy, 我承受得起 I can take it. 我喜欢你的书 Well, I loved it. 研究起来肯定乐趣无穷 It must be great fun to research. 你真的认为他会看吗 Do you really think he will read it? 说曹操曹操到 Speak of the devil. 老希

 我跑遍了整个镇子 Hitch, I ran all over town trying to find a copy of Psycho 也没能找到一本《惊魂记》 but I simply cannot find one. -我也不知道这是为什么

 -是嘛 - I wonder how that could have happened. - Yeah. 接着帮我找 Don"t stop looking on my behalf. 老希

 你过来一下 Hitch, you should come. 快坠崖的校车里的孩子脸色都比他们好 I"ve seen happier faces on a school bus going over a cliff. 但他们忍♥不住要去看

 不是吗 But they can"t stop looking, can they? 巴尼

 观众想要被震撼 Audiences want to be shocked, Barney. 他们想看别具一格的东西 They want something different. 你眼前的就是 And this is it.


 就总会有人赔钱 Every time you want to do something like 像《伸冤记》和《迷魂记》那样 The Wrong Man or Vertigo, someone loses money. 难道我们就因噎废食停止出新了吗 So we should stop trying to give them something new? 老希

 你还差派拉蒙公♥司♥最后一部电影 You owe Paramount one last picture, Hitch. 就不能再做些《西北偏北》那种片子吗 Can"t you do something like North by Northwest 别给米高梅公♥司♥

 就给我们 but for us this time instead of for MGM? 《惊魂记》就是 Psycho. 没有别人像派拉蒙公♥司♥这样尊重你 No one respects the name Hitchcock like Paramount. 巴尼

 你这是回绝我的意思吗 Are you telling me "No," Barney? 老希

 你对我还挺了解的嘛 I think you know me better than that, Hitch. 真是个混♥蛋♥ What a putz. 你知道建成这些电影大厦之前 You know what his family did 他们家是干什么的吗 before they built those movie palaces? 就是个开杂货店的 Ran a grocery store. 我父亲就是开杂货店的 My father ran a grocery store. 对


 他应该放尊重点 Exactly. That"s what I"m saying. He should show some respect. 卢

 他们觉得我江郎才尽了 They think I"ve lost my touch, Lew. 他们觉得老和电视打交道让我掉价 My association with television has cheapened me. 你是说我给你找的那个交易吗 Are you referring to that deal I got you 百时美施两万九买♥♥你一个小短片 where bristol-Meyers pays you 结果你还拒绝了

 29 grand an episode and you own the negative? 我觉得那是挺掉价的 That"s my kind of cheap. 他们只是想一遍一遍地看同样的东西 They just want the same thing over and over and over. 他们把我推进棺材

 现在又钉死了盖子 They"ve put me in a coffin and now they"re nailing down the lid. 老希

 我是你的经纪人 Hitch, as your agent, 我绝对不会让那样的事发生 I will never let that happen. 你觉得拍这部电影需要多少钱 How much you think you can make this picture for? 大约八十万美金吧 $800,000, give or take. 你回来的好早 You"re home early. 挺好的 It"s lovely actually. 我其实挺失望的 You know, I"m disappointed you 惠特写的那本书你一点机会都不给 didn"t give Whit"s book a chance. 那惠特呢

 他失望吗 And what about Whit? Is he disappointed? 没有

 他太了解你了 No. He knows you well enough. 瞧这儿都破了

 反正该买♥♥件新的了 Look at that! Time for a new one anyway. 趁你还有这个泳池

 好好享受吧亲爱的 Well you"d better enjoy the pool, my dear, while you can. 我们可能很快就要失去它了 We might not have it much longer. 为什么 Why? 派拉蒙公♥司♥拒绝为这部电影投资 Paramount refuses to finance the movie. 老希

 真为你难过 Hitch, I"m so sorry. 卢也凑不出钱

 至少不会很快 Lew can"t find the money. At least, not fast enough.

 那为什么不等等呢 Well why not wait? 不 No. 我的老太婆

 咱们现在只能单干了 Just going to have to go it alone, old girl. 我们自己投资 Finance it ourselves. 我们要卖♥♥掉整栋房♥子还是只卖♥♥游泳池 Are we going to have to sell the whole house or just the pool? 我只想拍这部电影 I just want to do the film. 我就问你这最后一次 I will ask you this once and I"ll never mention it again. 为什么咬准了这部电影

 老希 Why this one, Hitch? 不会就是因为那么多人都不看好它吧 It"s not just because so many people are saying "No", is it? 你还记得许多年前 Do you remember the fun we had 咱们白手起家的那种乐趣吗 when we started out all those years ago? 那时我们没有钱

 对吧 We didn"t have any money then, did we? 也没有时间 We didn"t have any time, either, 但是我们敢于铤而走险

 记得吗 but we took risks, do you remember? 我们不断尝试

 我们研究拍摄的新手法 We experimented. We invented new ways of making pictures 因为咱们别无选择 because we had to. 我只想再一次感受那种自♥由♥ I want to feel that kind of freedom again. 曾经拥有的自♥由♥

 懂吗 Like we used to, you know? 我们要对《惊魂记》的交易做些改动 We are about to propose a restructured deal for Psycho. 说吧

 我听着呢 I"m listening. 我们自己投资

 We finance it independently. 老希也不要他的导演报酬了 Hitch waives his directorial fee. 派拉蒙公♥司♥只需要负责发行 Paramount only distributes it, 但我们要电影利润的百分之四十 in exchange for 40% of the profits. 有意思

 但是派拉蒙到底要发行什么呢 Interesting. But what exactly is Paramount distributing? 我们要发行的还是这部有关一个 Is this still a picture about 穿母亲裙子的杀人狂魔的电影吗 a queer killing people in his mother"s dress? 和这部电影有关的 What this picture is about 是希区柯克先生的名声 is the reputation of Alfred Hitchcock. 没人♥质♥疑这一点 No one is arguing that. 巴尼

 开门见山吧 Barney, it"s very simple. 这就是希区柯克先生的下一部电影 This is Mr. Hitchcock"s next film. 你到底加不加入 Are you in or are you out? 好吧

 成交 Fine. We"ll take that deal. 如果你能筹到钱的话 If you can get the money. 巴尼

 我们已经筹到钱了 We already have the money, Barney. 我该填谁的名字呢 Who do I make it out to? 艾尔玛

 如果这个电影失败了 If this picture fails, Alma, 我们将会在一段时间内 we"ll be in for a long, 被舆♥论♥炮轰的 humiliating bout of crow-eating. -你会成功的

 -你肯定吗 - It"ll be splendid. - Are you sure?

 我对这部电影一点也不肯定 Of the movie? Not at all. 但对你我毫无保留地信任 But of you? Unquestionably. 我是乔·斯特法诺

 很高兴见到你 Joe Stefano. Good to meet you. 请坐 Sit down. 对不起

 我迟到了 I"m sorry I was late. 我和心理医生的会面超时了 My shrink session went overtime. 我天天见他可还是不够 I see him every day and it"s still not enough. 我一直以为 I thought it was only 只有导演助理才需要心理医生 director"s assistants who needed psychiatrists, 作家是不需要的 not writers. 希区柯克先生

 你看过心理医生吗 Do you see a shrink, Mr. Hitchcock? 斯特法诺先生

 我得承认 I have to confess, Mr. Stefano, 光是想象你和你的医生每天聊的话题 It boggles my brain just trying to imagine 我就快抓狂了 what you and your shrink could possibly talk about every day. 一些琐事



 还有我妈 Just usual. Sex. Rage. My mother. 《惊魂记》


 约瑟夫·斯特法诺 早上好

 先生 Good morning, sir. 让我看看你 Let me have a look at you. 世上比看牙医还可怕的事 The only thing worse than 就是去见电影审查员了 a visit to the dentist is a visit to censor. 老希

 不管怎样千万别发脾气 Whatever you do, Hitch, don"t lose your temper.


 -祝你好运 - See you later. - Good luck. 电影审查署办公室 法规决不允许你的电影中 The Code will absolutely not permit you 出现刀子刺入女人身体的场面 to show a knife penetrating a woman"s flesh. 杰弗里

 我向你保证 I assure you, Geoffrey, 我导演的凶手都很谨慎且有品味 my murders are always models of taste and discretion. 在浴室杀人的这一幕里 Is there any improper suggestion of nudity 有没有不恰当的裸体镜头 in this murder scene in the shower? 她不会全♥裸♥的

 会戴一个浴帽 She won"t be nude. She"ll be wearing a shower cap. 我们只能允许从浴室窗户向内拍摄 We might accept a shot from outside the bathroom window 而且只能是肩膀以上部分的剪影 of Marion in silhouette above the shoulders. 而且必须是磨砂玻璃 Provided that the glass is frosted. 好吧

 谢谢 Thank you. 还有这个马桶的镜头 And the scene with the toilet. 这个马桶是必须出现的 It is completely necessary to show the toilet, 玛丽恩·克兰需要把证据从这里冲下去 because Marion Crane attempts to flush evidence down it. 她姐姐之后会在这里发现一些残留物 Remnants of which are later discovered by her sister. 这些遗证代表她的香消玉殒 These remnants, you understand, are clues to her vanishing. 美国任何电影里都没必要出现马桶 No American movie has ever found it necessary to show a toilet, 更不用说还要冲它 let alone to flush one. 那也许我们应该在法国拍这部电影 Perhaps we ought to shoot the film in France

 用坐浴盆代替马桶也可以 and use a bidet instead. 希区柯克先生 Mr. Hitchcock, 如果我们拒绝了你 if this office denies you a seal, 其实我们目前也是这样考虑的 and we"re certainly heading in that direction, 那么你的这部电影 your movie will not be released 将不可能在美国任何一家电影院里上映 in a single theater in this country. 你还打算跟我们开玩笑吗 Will you be making jokes then? 好莱坞的每个人都讨厌我 Everyone in Hollywood resents me. 我帮他们挣了那么多的钱 I make them millions of dollars, 每年我坐在那恶心的颁奖典礼晚宴上时 and every year I sit at those dreadful award show dinners, 都期望有人对我说一句

 你真棒 waiting for someone just to say, "You"re good". 他们之所以否定我 They take sadistic pleasure 就为了感受那一瞬间的残酷快♥感♥ in denying me that one little moment. 那一定很伤人 That must hurt. 艾德

 伤透了我啊 Deeply, Ed. Deeply. 对不起医生

 我只是不太习惯这个 Sorry, doctor. I"m just not used to this 过程 process. 把我当做你的朋友就好 Just think of me more like a friend. 我开始越来越多地有了一些 It"s just that more and more I"ve been having these 冲动 impulses. 什么样的冲动

 What kind of impulses? 特别强烈的冲动 Strong ones. 看看这个 Here. 拉扎尔工作室说他疯了似的想和你合作 The Lazar Office tell me he"s crazy to work with you. 那告诉史威夫蒂·拉扎尔 Tell Swifty Lazar he should not 别让他的客户在电视上过度曝光 have overexposed his client on television. 这个人和我们提到过的都不同 Unlike some we could mention. 安东尼·珀金斯 Anthony Perkins. 想象一下他可能给诺曼这个角色 Think of the duality he could bring 带来的双面性 to the role of Norman. 孩童般的微笑后隐藏的愤怒 The rage lurking behind that little boy grin. 为掩人耳目而散发出迷人魅力 The winsome charm he uses to keep from being found out. 艾尔玛

 你难道在说是他是个... Why, Alma, you"re not suggesting Mr. Perkins is... 没错 Hm. 安东尼·珀金斯是一个同性恋影星 是什么 What? 我喜欢你的办公室 I like your office. 我都数不清看过《火车怪客》多少次了 I can"t count how many times I"ve seen Strangers on a Train. 还有《夺魂索》 And Rope. 皆为希区柯克作品 诺曼·贝茨是那两部电影中 Well, Norman Bates is the logical extension 主角的逻辑扩展 of those two characters in that movie.


 内心敏感 Appealing, sensitive, suffering the terrible burden 为了伪装自己而背负上沉重的负担 of being forced to pretend to be something he is not. 工作室不断地扔给我一些垃圾爱情剧 I"m sick of all this romantic crap 我受够了 the studios keep shoving me into. 我唯一担心的是 But my only worry is, 诺曼与我的自身经历太相似 well, playing Norman might cut too close to home. 此话怎讲 How so? 我小时候特别恋母 When I was younger, I was incredibly close to my mother. 甚至盼望我爸要是死了就好了 So close that I remember wishing my father would drop dead. 我五岁时

 他真的死了 And then when I was five, he did just that. 死于心脏病 He keeled over from a heart attack. 我一直很自责

 希区柯克先生 You see I"ve been guilty my whole life, Mr. Hitchcock. 光是看你我都觉得自己要磨出水泡了 You know, I"m getting blisters just watching you. 别抱怨了 Stop complaining. 呼吸点新鲜空气

 做点运动对你有好处 A bit of fresh air and exercise will do you good. -我要去喝一杯

 -不行 - I"m going to have a drink. - No you"re not. 把树篱修剪完 You"re going to finish that hedge. 包括那里 You"ve got to go all the way around there, 那里

 还有那里 all the way around there, all the way around there. -不可能


 -你做得到 - It"s impossible. I can"t do that. - Yes you can. 我在想

 You know, I was thinking, 如果我能请格蕾丝·凯利来演那个女孩 if I could get Grace Kelly to play the girl, 他们就会对凶案那场戏松口了 they"d let me get away with murder. 你请不到的

 她现在可是大腕 Well you can"t. She"s a princess now, 你永远都别指望能请到她 which makes her permanently unattainable. 这让她更值得一请 And all the more desirable. 黛博拉·蔻儿怎么样

 卢提到过她 What about Deborah Kerr? Lew mentioned her. 不行

 太苏格兰风情了 No, she"s too Scottish. 那珍妮特·利呢 What about Janet Leigh? 虽然她一般都演乖乖女的形象 I know she"s normally the "Good girl," 但在《历劫佳人》中她表现惊艳 But she was awfully good in Touch of Evil. 还记得你在沃塞曼家聚会上 You remember how you always used 是怎么评论她的身材的吗 to remark on her figure at the Wassermans" parties? 对哦 Yeah. -晚上好

 -您好 - Good evening. - Hello. -见到您很高兴

 -我也是 - Lovely to see you. - Charmed. -您好


 珍妮特 - Hi. - Hello, Janet. How are you? 很高兴见到您 Wonderful to see you. -亲爱的


 -谢谢 - Well, my dear, you look very beautiful. - Thank you. 真的好漂亮 Very beautiful. 当然 Of course

 辛普森夫人能吸引温莎公爵的秘密 the real secret of Mrs. Simpson"s appeal to the Duke of Windsor 就是她能把牙签玩得像雪茄 was that she could make a toothpick feel like a cigar. 近来太专注于准备扮演玛丽恩 I"ve been so immersed in preparing to play Marion 我都要忘了怎么笑了 I"d almost forgotten how to laugh. -是吗

 -是啊 - Oh, really? - Yes. 你得尝尝这儿的香蕉酥饼 Now, now, you must try the banana shortcake. 不要了


 我要保持身材 No. Nothing for me, thank you. I"m watching my figure. 没错

 这桌上还有个人要保持身材 Yes, you"re not the only one. 我们不要了

 谢谢 We"re fine, thank you. 乔治

 给她来份香蕉酥饼 George, bring her the banana shortcake. 做成两倍的量

 谢谢 In fact, make that two large portions. Thank you. 亲爱的

 告诉我 Now tell me, my dear, 你还为这个角色做什么准备了 how else have you prepared for the part of Marion Crane? 我把她的生平都写下来了 Well, I"ve written an entire history for her, 听起来有点傻

 但确实有用 which seems a little silly, I know, but it really does help. -一点也不傻

 -是吗 - It doesn"t sound silly at all. - No? 你觉得她最大的秘密是什么 Why don"t you tell us one of her deepest secrets? 她在生活中是个两面派 Well, she leads a double life. 在劳瑞的办公室里

 她只喷廉价的香水 At the Lowery Office, she wears Tweed perfume. 但当她跟山姆在一起时 But when she"s with Sam, 却毫不犹豫的喷上她最贵的香水

 she recklessly breaks out her most expensive bottle. 那瓶兰文的"吾之罪" "My Sin" by Lanvin. -吾之罪

 -是的 - "My Sin"? - Yes. 天啊 Good Lord! 我有一些担忧 I do have a concern or two. 我是演员

 但首先我是个妻子和母亲 I"m an actress, of course, but I"m first a wife and a mother. 我想知道 And I"m just curious to know. 您打算怎么拍洗澡那场戏 How are you going to shoot this shower scene? 电影审查署和你一样关心 Yes, you and the Shurlock Office. 从这儿往上不太好公开展示 It"s only that, well, from here up, I"m not exactly boyish. 让我来消除你的担心

 亲爱的 Allow me to set your mind at rest, my dear. 我准备从不同的角度拍一些镜头 I will be shooting short bits of film from various angles. 剪切到一起后只会暗示你的裸体 Cut together, the montage will only suggest nudity. 暗示暴♥力♥的发生 Suggest violence. 但重要部位不会被曝光 Nothing will actually be shown. 当然啦

 有你洗澡这场戏 But of course, having you in the shower 整个电影会变得更加勾魂夺魄 would make it all the more, well, titillating. 不好意思

 我离开一下 Will you excuse me? 艾尔玛


 见到你真高兴 Alma, dear, how lovely to see you. 你好啊

 莉莲 Hello, Lillian. 你看起来气色不好啊 You"re looking a little pale.


 你丈夫拍的那电影 No wonder with that thing your husband"s working on now. 你是不太可能赞成的 You can"t possibly approve. 你为什么允许他拍这种不雅的东西呢 Why are you letting him do something so tasteless? 别杞人忧天了

 只是一部血腥电影而已 Don"t upset yourself, darling. It"s only a bloody movie. 访客禁入 我不能理解你居然让维拉·迈尔斯演妹妹 I can"t believe you made Vera Miles play the sister. 根据合同我还可以雇佣她 Well, I"ve still got her under contract. 不妨从她身上得到点利益 May as well get something out of her. 真是个忘恩负义的角色

 不是吗 Rather a thankless role, don"t you think? 适合这个忘恩负义的姑娘 For an utterly thankless girl. 真讨厌 Horrible. 那老男人真的生我的气了

 不是吗 The old man really is unhappy with me, isn"t he? 你看到他给你挑的内衣后再下结论吧 Wait till you see the undergarments he has picked out for you. 好吧

 我要不断地告诉自己 Okay. Well, I am just going to have to keep telling myself, 拍完这部片子我就自♥由♥了 one more picture and I"m free as a bird. 我列了一些可以节约开支的地方 So I"ve made a list of places where we can tighten our belts. 什么 Huh? 我们早就该学习自我约束的 We could all learn the art of self-restraint, 对吗

 阿尔弗雷德 couldn"t we, Alfred? 一星期请一次园丁

 周末给司机放假 Gardeners once a week, weekend off for the driver. 不可能

 我们得从其他地方省 No, that"s impossible. We"ll have to find other places to cut.

 没有其他地方了 There aren"t any other places. 以后不能再去巴黎马克西姆餐厅奢侈了 And there"s be no more shipments flown in from Maxim"s of Paris. 我们吃不起 We can"t afford it. 好莱坞那家店的鹅肝酱够你吃了 The foie gras at Chasen"s is more than adequate. 可那些鹅是巴斯托的

 不是马赛的 But those geese are from Barstow, not from Marseilles. 没错

 我们都得为了做更重要的事 Yes, well we all have to make our 做点牺牲


 阿尔弗雷德 sacrifices for the greater good, don"t we, Alfred? 我去拿刀子 I"ll go get the knives. 我在犯一个可怕的错误吗 Am I making a terrible mistake? 如果它跟《迷魂记》一个下场怎么办 What if it"s another Vertigo? 跟着感觉走吧

 没事的 Just get the first take under your belt. You"ll be fine. 准备好了吗

 亲爱的 Are you decent, my dear? 利小姐的更衣室 -早上好

 -早上好 - Good morning. - Good morning. 我看起来怎样 Am I all right? 好极了 Perfect. -早啊

 -早 - Morning. - Morning. 我想再次感谢您给我这个机会 I want to thank you once again for this opportunity, 希区柯克先生 Mr. Hitchcock. 叫我老希就好

 下面那玩意去掉 You may call me "Hitch." Hold the cock. 看看你俩

 全美最受喜爱的邻家男女孩 Well look at you two. America"s favorite boy and girl next door.


 我们这就准备转型了 Yes, and we"re about to move to a whole new neighborhood. 早上好



 托尼 Morning, Janet. Morning, Tony. 早啊

 维拉 Morning, Vera. 非常感谢你给我准备的行头

 老希 Thanks for the wardrobe, Hitch. 你还满意吧 Do you approve? 你真是天才 You"re the genius. 但是有件事

 我的剧本缺了最后十页 One thing, though. My script is missing its last ten pages. 每个人的剧本都缺最后十页 Everyone"s script is missing ten pages 因为艾尔玛还没修订好 until Alma finishes the revisions. 你来得正好

 该宣誓了 You"re just in time for the Oath. -什么

 -宣誓 - The what? - The Oath. -大家早上好

 -早上好 - Good morning, everyone. - Good morning. 请大家举起右手 Would you all raise your right hands? 你也是

 维拉·迈尔斯 That includes you, Vera Miles. -我郑重承诺

 -我郑重承诺 - I do solemnly promise... - I do solemnly promise... -不泄露

 -不泄露 - That I will not divulge... - That I will not divulge... 《惊魂记》的情节和秘密 The plot nor the many secrets of Psycho... 《惊魂记》的情节和秘密 The plot nor the many secrets of Psycho... -给朋友



 家人 - To friends, relatives... - To friends, relatives... -商业记者

 -商业记者 - Trade reporters... - Trade reporters... 甚至即将卸任的艾森豪威尔总统

 Not even outgoing President Dwight D. Eisenhower. 非常感谢 Thank you all very much. 这就是诺曼的密室 Here we are, Norman"s inner sanctum. 老希 Now, Hitch. 我为什么要偷看玛丽恩的裸体 Explain to me why I"m watching Marion undress? 这话听着好伤人哪 I feel like I should take offense at that. 诺曼或许曾在他母亲洗澡前 Perhaps Norman secretly watched his mother 偷♥窥♥过她 preparing for her nightly bath. 浴室门上也许有个门顶窗 Yes, maybe there was a transom over the bathroom door? 对

 他得悄悄地 Yeah, which he could access by climbing on a chair, 爬上椅子才能够到 so long as he was stealthy. 男孩第一次见的女人裸体一般都是他妈妈 A boy"s first glimpse of a naked woman is usually his mother. 意思就是我要重回过去 So I"m reliving the past, 像仪式一样对玛丽恩做那些事 repeating a ritual with Marion? 别问我 Don"t ask me. 我只是躲在角落拿着摄像机看戏的人 I"m just a man hiding in the corner with my camera, watching. 摄像机会告诉你真♥相&he...

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