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 谁陷害了兔子罗杰 小宝贝

 妈妈要去美容院... Mommy"s going to the beauty parlor, darling... 我让你最喜欢的朊友罗杰陪着你 but I"m leaving you with your favorite friend Roger. 他会很好很好的照料你的... He"s going to take very, very good care of you... 因为如果他马虎

 他就得滚回科学实验室去 because if he doesn"t, he"s going back to the science lab! 拜托 Pl-pl-please! 别担心

 一切照办 Don"t worry. Whatever you say. 没问题


 放心 Yes, ma"am! Aye, aye, sir! Okay-dokey! 因为我会如同对待自己亲兄弟一样

 照顾好他... Why, I"ll take care of him like he was my own brother... 或者像我的亲姐妹

 噢 or my own sister!

 Ow! 或者像我的哥哥的姐妹

 或者我的二堂妹... Or my brother"s sister or my second cousin... 我要曲奇饼 Gobba gobba cookie. 或者像我那个被九次... Or my ninth cousin... 轰走的九堂妹 who is nine times removed from his place outside. 或者像我那个十六次被轰走的十六堂妹... Or like my sixteenth cousin who was sixteen times... 曲奇饼 Cookie. 或者还像我的十七堂妹... Or like my seventeenth cousin... 她被 156 次轰出去 who was 156 times removed from any side! 我来救你啦

 宝宝 I"ll save ya, baby! 曲奇饼 Cookie. 别烧到自己了

 宝宝 Don"t burn yourself, Baby Herman.

 谁把灯关掉了? 孩子

 这里好暗 Who turned out the lights? Boy, it"s dark in here. 他们又没有付电费吗? Don"t they pay their electricity? 发生什么了? 孩子

 我来找你了 What happened? I"ll find you. Baby! 你在哪? Where are ya? 曲奇饼 Cookie. 这烟是怎么回事? What"s with the smoke? 我着火了

 让我出去 I"m on fire! Whoa! Let me out! 曲奇饼 Cookie. 曲奇 Cookie. 我在这

 宝宝 I"m here, Bab...aah! 曲奇

 哈 Cookie. Ahhh. 停 Cut. 杰克


 好了 All right. That"s it. Jack. 停



 停 Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut! 有何问题吗? What the hell was wrong with that take? 跟你没关系


 你演的很好 Nothing with you, Baby Herman. You were great. 你演的简直太完美了 You were perfect, better than perfect. 是罗杰

 他老是篡改剧本 It"s Roger. He keeps blowing his lines! 罗杰

 这是什么? Roger, what"s this? -一只鸣叫的小鸟

 -"一只鸣叫的小鸟" -A tweeting bird.

 -"A tweeting bird." 罗杰



 Roger, read the script! Look what it says! 剧本写"兔子罗杰发出沉闷的金属声

 它看到了星星" It says, "Rabbit gets clunked. Rabbit sees stars." 不是鸟...是星星 Not birds...stars! 不要再录了

 行不? Can we lose the playback, please? 你快要让我抓狂乱了 You"re killing me! Killing me! 为了大声的哭出来


 这个镜头... For crying out loud, Roger, how the hell many times... 我们还要排多少次啊? do we have to do this damn scene? 罗恩

 我去车里小睡一会 Raoul, I"ll be in my trailer taking a nap! -哇


 小姐 -Whooo!

 -Excuse me, toots. 我的肚子可受不了这个 My stomach can"t take this. 这里布景太乱了

 清理一下 This set is a mess. Clean this set up. 把他弄出去

 然后封起来 And get him out of there or seal him up in it. 关掉灯

 叫送午饭 Lose the lights and say lunch! 那就是午餐

 我们完成一半了 That"s lunch! We"re on a half! 求你了


 我可以弄出星星来 Please, Raoul. I can give you stars! 只要再用冰箱砸一次我的头就可以了 Just drop the refrigerator on my head one more time. 罗杰

 我已经砸过 23 次了 Roger, I dropped it on your head twenty-three times already. 不用担心

 我受得了 I can take it. Don"t worry about me. 我受不了

 我担心那台冰箱 I"m not. I"m worried about the refrigerator. 我可以给你弄出星星来

 看 I can give you stars. Look. 看啊 Look. Look!




 我发誓 Please. Raoul! I can do it. I swear! 再给我一次机会 Just give me another chance! 笨卡♥通♥ Phew. Toons. 马龙先生

 维拉提先生来了... Mr.Maroon, Mr.Valiant"s here to... 他马上过来 He"ll be right with you. 不


 不 No, no, no! 等他抓住他的脚后再拿石头砸他 Wait until he gets to his feet, then hit him with the boulder. 好的 Right, R.K.! 对于电影行业你知道多少

 维拉提先生? How much do you know about show business, Mr.Valiant? 电影行业与众不同... Only there"s no business like it... 我对此一无所知 no business I know. 是啊

 而且没有哪个行业会花费这么昂贵 Yeah, and there"s no business more expensive. 在赫尔曼宝宝这部卡♥通♥片上... I"m twenty-five grand over budget... 我已经严重超支 on the latest Baby Herman cartoon. 你也看见那只兔子做不出剧本要求的 You saw the rabbit blowing his lines. 他没法把精力集中在工作上

 知道为什么吗? He can"t keep his mind on his work. Know why? 他的头被电冰箱砸的太多? One too many refrigerators dropped on his head? 不是


 想用什么砸都可以 Nah, he"s a toon. Drop anything you want on his head. 他会没事儿的

 但是如果是心碎... He"ll shake it off. But break his heart... 他也会像你我一样身体跨掉

 读这个 he goes to pieces just like you and me. Read that. "据称有人看到一位情场老手...

 "Seen cooing over calamari... "和杰西卡打情骂俏... "with not-so-new sugar daddy was Jessica Rabbit... 而她是马龙卡♥通♥明星兔子罗杰之妻" wife of Maroon cartoon star Roger." 这跟我有何关系? What"s this got to do with me? 你是私♥家♥侦♥探♥

 你去查明白 You"re the private detective. You figure it out. 听着

 我没时间干这个 Look, I don"t have time for this. 维拉提

 他的妻子道德败坏... Look, Valiant, his wife"s poison... 而他还以为她是个乖乖宝 but he thinks she"s Betty Crocker. 我要你去跟踪监视她 I want you to follow her. 跟我弄一些有趣的照片来... Get me a couple of nice juicy pictures... 我会去告诉那只兔子的 I can wise the rabbit up with. 算了吧

 我不给卡♥通♥镇干活 Forget it. I don"t work Toontown. 卡♥通♥镇怎么啦? 大家都爱卡♥通♥镇 What"s wrong with Toontown? Every Joe loves Toontown. 那你让大家去做这件事啊

 我可不去 Then get Joe to do the job, "cause I ain"t going. 噢

 伙计 Whoa, fella. 你是不想去卡♥通♥镇的

 也没必要去 You don"t want to go to Toontown, you don"t have to the Toontown. 总之没人说你要去卡♥通♥镇 Nobody said you had to go to Toontown anyway. 维拉提

 坐下来 Have a seat, Valiant. 那只兔子的老婆在一家... The rabbit"s wife sings at a joint... 叫"墨水涂料俱乐部"的酒吧唱歌♥ called the ink and Paint Club. 那只有一些搞笑剧卡♥通♥

 严格说还有些人 Toon Revue. Strictly humans only, OK?



 你认为呢? So, what do you think, Valiant? 如何? Well? 加上开支

 这项工作需要花费你 100 美元 The job"s gonna cost you a hundred bucks, plus expenses. 100 美元? 这真是荒谬 A hundred bucks? That"s ridiculous. 这工作就是这样 So"s the job! 好好

 给你 100 美元 All right, all right. You got your hundred bucks. 喝点酒吧

 埃迪 Have a drink, Eddie. 我不介意自己喝点 I don"t mind if I do. -小心


 -我抓稳了 -Careful. Dave!

 -I got it! 戴夫

 快倒了 Dave. You’re gonna drop it! -我不会让它...

 -你把它弄倒了 -I"m not...

 -You"re dropping it! 维拉提

 你受到惊吓了啊? Kind of jumpy, aren"t you, Valiant? -那是唐柏

 -我知道是谁 -It"s just Dumbo.

 -I know who it is. 是我仍迪斯尼借来的... I got him on loan from Disney... 还有"幻想曲"中一半的演员 him and half the cast of "Fantasia." 最好的是... The best part is... 他们只为了得到花生而工作 they work for peanuts! 嗯


 还有五十美元呢? Well, I don"t work for peanuts. Where"s the other fifty? 就当另外五十美元是只胡萝卜吧

 事成之后给你 Let"s call the other fifty a carrot to finish the job. 你缠住那只兔子太久了 You"ve been hanging around rabbits too long. 噢


 Oh, excuse me. 我看起来很像银行吗? What do I look like, a bank? 等等我 Wait for me! -嘿



 -快点 -Hey, guys, wait up!

 -Come on, hurry up! 快啊

 斯蒂芬 Come on, Steve! 嘿


 你没有私车吗? Hey, mister, ain"t you got a car? 在旧金山谁会需要私家车? 我们拥有... Who needs a car in L.A.? We got the best... 世界上最完备的公共交通系统 public transportation system in the world. -再会

 -再会 -So long.

 -See you later. -回见


 -谢谢你们的香烟 -So long, mister.

 -Thanks for the cigarettes. -当然

 -随时恭候 -You bet.

 -Anytime. -嘿




 怎么样了? -Hi, Harry.

 -Hey, Eddie, how"s it going? -还好

 你又有什么给我? -平常的帐单啊 -OK. What you got for me? -The usual bills. 哈哈哈


 把球还我 Ha ha ha! Hey. Give back my ball! 嘿


 没事吧? Hi, Harry. You OK? 伯爵怎么啦? What"s with Earl? 休息? Laid off? 有家新公♥司♥送了辆公车 A new outfit bought the Red Car. 是一家叫"克罗尔里夫"的大公♥司♥ Some big company called Cloverleaf. 开玩笑吧? 他们带来一辆公车? No kidding? They bought the Red Car? 是啊

 让这可怜的家伙两周不得安宁 Yeah. Put the poor guy on two-weeks" notice.


 老树逢春啊 Cutbacks, they said. 噢

 伯爵.. Oh, well, Earl... 这回可有铅笔文书了 here"s to the pencil pushers. 他们是不是铅中毒(指喜欢签订文书)了? May they all get lead poisoning, huh? 埃迪

 明天周五了 Tomorrow"s Friday, Eddie. 你知道这里星期五会发生什么吗? You know what happens here on Friday? 鱼餐专场? Fish special? 不是

 我老板星期五检查了帐本... No. My boss checks the books on Friday... 如果你不还给我... and if I don"t have that money I gave you... 欠的钱

 我就会失去工作 back in the till, I"m gonna lose my job. 德洛丽丝


 只会再欠你一次了 Don"t bust a button, Dolores. You"ve only got one left. 五十美元? 其他钱呢? Fifty bucks? Where"s the rest? 嗯

 这只是个替人监视的活儿 Well, it"s only a snoop job away. 你有这种照相机吗? Have you got that camera of yours? -我的在店里

 -是那家典当店吧? -Mine"s in the shop.

 -Would that be the pawn shop? 好了

 德洛丽丝 Come on, Dolores. 你需要另外的五十美元

 而我需要照相机 You need the other fifty, I need the camera. 里面有胶片吗? Any film in there? 应该有 Should be. 自仍去科特林拉旅游后... I haven"t had that roll developed... 我还没有冲洗过里面的胶片

 since our trip to Catalina. 那肯定是很久以前了 Sure was a long time ago. 是啊

 是很久以前 Yeah, that was a long time ago. 有时间了我们会再去游玩 We"ll have to do that again sometime. 当然

 埃迪 Yeah, sure, Eddie. -支票可信吗? -看看签名吧 -Paper even good? -Just check the scrawl. 马龙"? 是"马龙卡♥通♥"的那个? "R.K.Maroon"? As in Maroon Cartoons? 马龙卡♥通♥? Maroon cartoons? 那么谁是你的雇主啊? 明星侦探先生? Hey, so who"s your client, Mr.Detective-to-the-stars? 哆嗦的鸡鸡? 还是疯癫的松鼠? Chilly Willy? Or Screwy Squirrel? -你要喝什么? -一杯啤酒吧

 傻妞 -What do you want to drink? -I"ll take a beer, doll. 那么

 发生什么了? So, what happened, huh? 有人绑♥架♥小傻瓜了? Somebody kidnap Dinky Doodle? 闭嘴

 安吆罗 Cut it out. Angelo. 等等

 我知道了 Hey, wait a minute, I know. 你在给丽特儿·皮皮干活 You"re working for Little Bo Peep. 她的羊丢了... She"s lost her sheep... 而你要去给她找回来 and you"re going to help her find them. 直接点说

 笨蛋 Get this straight, Meatball. 我不给卡♥通♥们干活 I don"t work for Toons! 他怎么了? So, what"s his problem?

 卡♥通♥杀了他的哥哥 Toon killed his brother. -什么? -啊? -What? -Huh? 把一架钢琴砸到了他的头上 Dropped a piano on his head. 口令? Got the password? 沃尔特派我来 Walt sent me. 不错的晚礼朋 Nice monkey suit. 真是个聪明的傻瓜 Wise ass! 看啊

 哈哈哈 Hey, look at that! Ha ha ha! 停啊 Hey, hey, cut it out! 有人知道这只鸭子说什么吗? Does anybody understand what this duck is saying? 真有趣 Mm, most amusing. 再来点酒 A little more wine. 我和很多鸭子共事过... I"ve worked with a lot of wise quackers... 但你是最...特别的 but you are des-s-s-spicable! 顽固的小畜生... Doggone stubborn little... 真是傻瓜 That did it! Qu-a-a-a-ck! 这是我最后一次... This is the last time I work... 和有口吃的人吅作 with someone with a th-speech impediment! 是吗? Oh, yeah? 这表示宣战了 This-s-s means-s-s war. 什么


 What, you think that"s funny? 这没道理 Oh, it"s a panic! 当我把那只笔插到你鼻子里... You won"t think it"s funny... 你就不会觉得有趣了 when I stick that pen up your nose! 孩子


 好吗? Now, calm down, son, will ya? 看


 这是会消失的墨水 Look, the stain"s gone. It"s disappearing ink. 希望没什么坏的感觉


 我是... No hard feelings, I hope. Look, I"m... 我知道你是谁... I know who you are... 马文·埃克

 那个拥有卡♥通♥镇的家伙...吹牛大王 Marvin Acme, the guy that owns Toontown...the gag king. "如果是埃克

 就一个吹牛之人" "If it"s Acme, it"s a gasser." 同志

 手拿过来 Put it there, pal. 手掌鸣叫器 The hand buzzer. 仌是我们最畅销的

 哈哈 Still our biggest seller. Ha ha! 石头上的苏格兰 Scotch on the rocks. 我是指冰块 And I mean ice! 傻瓜 Qu-a-a-a-ck! 真是刺♥激♥ This is hot stuff. 那些鸭子真搞笑 Hey, those ducks are funny. 他们仍没演完过 They never get to finish the act. Ha! 是啊

 谢谢 Great. Thanks. 卡♥通♥啊 Toons.

 雪茄? 香烟? Cigars? Cigarettes? 埃迪·维拉提 Eddie Valiant! 贝蒂? Betty? 好久不见 Long time, no see. 你来这干吗? What are you doing here? 自仍卡♥通♥发展为彩色后我就不好混了 Work"s been kinda slow since cartoons went to color. 但是我仌然活了下来

 埃迪... But I still got it, Eddie... 是啊

 你活的还不错 Yeah, you still got it. 他怎么啦? What"s with him? 杰西卡的演出埃克先生仍不错过 Mr.Acme never misses a night when Jessica performs. 有事情告诉那只兔子了

 哈 Got a thing for rabbits, huh? 她和兔子罗杰结婚了? She"s married to Roger Rabbit? 是啊

 多么幸运的女孩啊 Yeah. What a lucky girl. 谁啊? Who is it? 亲爱的杰西卡


 是你的马文来了 Jessica, dear, have no fear. Your Marvin is here. 你确信今晚由谋杀了他们一遍吗

 宝贝? You sure murdered them again tonight, baby. 我亲爱的


 你是如此华丽高贵 I really mean it. My darling, you were superb. 你一定而且确实... You absolutely, truly, and honestly... 迷倒了那些听众 Fashmolyed that audience. 你杀了他们

 你谋杀了他们 You killed"em. You slayed them. 你束缚了他们...

 You belted them with... 你以为你在干吗

 呆子? What do you think you"re doing, chump? 猩猩

 你叫谁呆子呢? Who are you calling a chump, chimp? 别再在这附近... And don"t let me catch your peeping face... 让我看见你的丑脸

 明白吗? around here again! Got it? 过来


 过来啊 Come, my dear Jessica. Come over here. 我都安排好了

 在床上 I got everything arranged right here, on the bed. 今晚不行

 马文 Oh, not tonight. Marvin. 我头痛 I have a headache. 但是


 你答应了的 But, Jessica, you promised. 是啊

 但是这次... Oh, all right. But this time... 拿开那个手掌鸣叫器 take off that hand buzzer. 小甜心 Pattycake. 小甜心

 小甜心 Pattycake. Pattycake. -噢. -小甜心

 小甜心... -Oh... -Pattycake, pattycake... -马文


 小甜心 -Marvin!

 -Pattycake. pattycake! -马文


 小甜心 -Oh! Oh, Marvin!

 -Pattycake! Pattycake! 马文 Oh, Marvin! 你一定是跟我开玩笑 You got to be kiddin" me. 小甜心

 小甜心 Pattycake! Pattycake! 我不信 I don"t believe it!


 小甜心 Pattycake! Pattycake! 这不是真的 It"s not true! 放松


 你不是第一个... Take comfort, son, you"re not the first man... 被妻子背叛的男人 whose wife played Pattycake on him. 我只是不敢相信 I just don"t believe it. 我不会相信

 我也不能相信 I won"t believe it! I can"t believe it! 我不应该相信 I shan"t believe it! 相信吧


 我亲自♥拍♥的那些照片 Believe it, kid. I took the pictures myself. 她玩弄了你 She played Pattycake. 不不

 不是杰西卡 No! Not my Jessica. 这不可能

 她不会背叛我的 Not Pattycake! This is impossible. 我不信 I don"t believe it. 不可能

 不可能 It can"t be! It just can"t be! 杰西卡是我的妻子

 这不可能 Jessica"s my wife. It"s absolutely impossible! 杰西卡是我的生命之光... Jessica"s the light of my life... 是我眼中的苹果

 咖啡里的奶油 the apple of my eye, the cream in my coffee. 你最好喝黑咖啡... You better start drinking it black... 因为埃克也在咖啡里加奶油 "cause Acme"s taking the cream now. 难以置信

 马文·埃克这三十年... Hard to believe. Marvin Acme"s been... 都是我的朊友和邻层 my friend and neighbor for thirty years. 谁会以为他是个老色狼呢?

 Who would have thought he was a sugar daddy? 已经是有人支使她做的 Somebody must have made her do it. 孩子


 你会好受点 Now drink this, son. It"ll make you feel better. 谢谢

 我确实需要 Thanks, I needed that! 混♥蛋♥ Son of a bitch. 我说

 马龙先生... Look, Mr.Maroon... 我认为我在这的工作已经结束了 I think my work here is finished. 你欠我的钱怎么办? How about that carrot you owe me, huh? 说话算话 A deal"s a deal. 太好了

 谢谢 Great. Thanks. 罗杰

 我知道你很痛苦... Roger, I know all this seems pretty painful now... 但是你会重新找到好女孩的 but you"ll find someone new. 是吧

 维拉提先生? Won"t he, Mr.Valiant? 确实啊

 像他这样的男人? Yeah, sure. Good-looking guy like that? 女士们会自己找上门来 The dames will be breaking his door down. 女士? 什么女士? Dames? What dames? 杰西卡是我唯一的女人 Jessica"s the only one for me. 你会看到

 我们会度过这些小过失 You"ll see! We"ll rise above this piddling peccadillo! 我们会重新高兴的在一起

 明白吗? We"re going to be happy again! Got that? 高兴


 高...兴 Happy! Capital h-a-p-p-i! 至少他没疯掉 Well, at least he took it well.

 杰西卡 Ohh, Jessica. 告诉我这不是真的 Please tell me it"s not true. 求...你了 Pl-pl-pl-please? 什么...圣提洛上尉 What the...Lieutenant Santino. 你仍哪来? Where"d you come from? 埃迪

 如果你这么需要钱... Gee whiz, Eddie, if you needed money so bad... 你为什么不来我这? why didn"t you come to me? 我拍了一些肮脏的照片

 杀了我啊 So, I took a couple of dirty pictures. So kill me. 谢谢

 我手头上又有难事了 I already got a stiff on my hands. Thank you. 什么? Huh? 是马文·埃克

 那只兔子昨晚杀了他 Marvin Acme. The rabbit cacked him last night. 什么? What? 又怎么了? Now what? 我好久没有离卡♥通♥镇这么近了 I haven"t been this close to Toontown for a while. 我屁♥股♥着火了 My biscuits are burning! 放水冲啊 Fire in the hatch! Ow, ooo, eee! 那个带角的蛤♥蟆♥

 那个小东西 Great horny toads, that smarts! 来吧


 我们去把事儿做完 Come on, Eddie. Let"s get this over with. 他和我一起的 He"s with me. 像是一个卡♥通♥把柜子砸到了他的头上 Just like a toon to drop a safe on a guy"s head. 抱歉


 Sorry, Eddie. 最好在这等等

 好吗? Better wait here, all right? 西斯欧

 一支炸♥药♥ Hey, Chisold, get a load of this. 见过这类的东西吗? Ever seen one of these? 嘿

 各位 Hey, guys. 你不就是埃迪·维拉提吗? Didn"t you used to be Eddie Valiant? 还是你换名为杰克·丹尼斯? Or did you change your name to Jack Daniels? 那是什么? What"s that? 那只兔子手套上的涂料 Paint from the rabbit"s glove. 维拉提先生? Mr.Valiant? 我希望你为自己... I hope you"re proud of yourself... 和你拍的那些照片而自豪 and those pictures you took. 帮帮我

 帮我抓住这些到处乱跑的东西 A little help over here! Help me grab those loafers! 嘿


 过来 Hey, Mike, come here! 我抓住这些了


 把那些鞋子抓住 I"ve got these. Come on! Put those shoes over there. 把他们放进去 Put "em in! 这个人是不是在仍犯罪现场拿走证据? Is this man removing evidence from the scene of a crime? 不是的

 都姆法官 No, Judge Doom. 维拉提只是为您捡起来 Valiant was just picking it up for you. 是不是

 埃迪? Weren"t you, Eddie? 交出来 Hand it over.

 当然 Sure. 他的第一畅销产品 His number one seller. 我发觉为卡♥通♥干活让你抓狂了 I see working for a toon has rubbed off on you. 我没给哪个卡♥通♥干活 I wasn"t working for a toon. 我给 R.K.马龙干活 I was working for R.K.Maroon. 是啊

 我们跟马龙先生谈过 Yes. We talked to Mr.Maroon. 他告诉我们那只兔子相当激动... He told us the rabbit became quite agitated... 当你把那些照片给他看时 when you showed him the pictures. 那兔子说终究... The rabbit said one way or another... 他们夫妻俩会相安于好 he and his wife were going to be happy. 是吗? Is that true? 嘿


 我看起来很像速记员吗? Hey, pal, do I look like a stenographer? 闭嘴

 这人是法官 Shut your yap. The man"s a judge. 是啊

 上尉 That"s all right, Lieutenant. 根据我的嗅觉

 他一定是说胡话 From the smell of him, I"d say it was the booze talking. 没关系

 兔子跑不太远 No matter. The rabbit won"t get far. 我的人会去找到他 My men will find him. 当心 Look out! 黄鼠狼 Weasels! 是的


 礼物助我一臂之力 Yes. I find they have a special gift for the work. 好了



 All right, ya mugs, fall out. 找到兔子了吗? Did you find the rabbit? 别担心

 法官 Don"t worry, Judge. 全城都有我们的眼线 We got deformants all over the city. 我们会找到他的 We"ll find him. 你不知道... You wouldn"t have any idea... 兔子会去哪儿吗

 维拉提? where the rabbit might be, Mr.Valiant? 你问过小袋鼠了吗? 还有土拔鼠? Have you tried Walla Walla? Cucamonga? 我听说这个时节的可可土豆不错 I hear Kokomo"s very nice this time of year. 维拉提先生

 对于你的不吅作我很惊讶 I"m surprised you"re not more cooperative, Mr.Valiant. 一个人类被卡♥通♥谋杀 A human has been murdered by a toon. 难道你不知道其严重性吗? Don"t you appreciate the magnitude of that? 自仍我接管卡♥通♥镇以来... Since I"ve had Toontown under my jurisdiction... 我的目标就是防止犯罪

 维护安全 my goal has been to rein in the insanity. 唯一能达到此目的的办法... And the only way to do that... 就是要让那些卡♥通♥尊重法令 is to make toons respect the law. 那个丑八怪怎么能做法官呢? How did that gargoyle get to be a judge? 2 年前在卡♥通♥镇向路人... Spread a bunch of simoleons around Toontown... 发了一捆 1 美元的票子

 然后就花钱胜了选举 a couple years back. Bought the election. 是么? 那是什么? Yeah? What"s that? 记得大家都认为... Remember how we always thought...

 没法杀死卡♥通♥吗? there wasn"t a way to kill a toon? 都姆发现了一个方法...松脂


 苯 Well. Doom found a way—turpentine, acetone, benzene. 他管那个叫蘸剂 He calls it the dip! 维拉提先生

 我会抓住那只兔子的 I"ll catch the rabbit. Mr.Valiant. 然后审问他


 接着处死他 Then I"ll try him, convict him, and execute him. 天 Geez! 那是一只死鞋


 老板? That"s one dead shoe, eh, boss? 他们不是羊皮手套

 维拉提先生 They"re not kid gloves, Mr.Valiant. 这就是我们在卡♥通♥镇处理事情的方法 This is how we handle things down in Toontown. 我认为你和其他人都会为此欢呼 I"d think you of all people would appreciate that 嘿嘿嘿 Hey, hey, hey! 嘿

 等等 Hey, wait a minute! 我试图劝他别抽... I"ve been trying to make him quit... 但是他不听我的话 but he just won"t listen to me. 你知道什么

 大傻瓜? What do you know, you dumb broad? 你真是个喋喋不休的人 You"ve got the I.Q. of a rattle. -你是维拉提? -是的 -You Valiant? -Yeah. 我想和你谈谈埃克谋杀案 I want to talk to you about the Acme murder. 傻妞... Hey, psst, doll... 你为什么不下楼去给我买♥♥份赛马消息报? why don"t you run downstairs and get me a racing form? 好好


 OK, OK, I"m going. 一个女人的男人

 啊? A ladies" man, huh? 我的问题是的性♥欲♥如五十岁那么老... My problem is I got a fifty-year-old lust... 但是却有个三岁的生殖器 and a three-year-old dinky. 是啊

 一定很艰苦啊 Yeah, must be tough. 听着


 兔子没有杀死埃克 Look, Valiant, the rabbit didn"t kill Acme. 他不是凶手

 我应该知道 He"s not a murderer. I should know. 我告诉你


 他是我的一个密友... He"s a dear friend of mine. I tell you, Valiant... 整件事情臭的像昨天的尿布 the whole thing stinks like yesterday"s diapers. 看这个

 报纸上说埃克死时没有留下遗嘱 Look at this. The paper said Acme left no will. 这里面含义深刻

 仸何卡♥通♥都知道埃克会有份遗嘱 That"s a load of succotash! Any toon knows Acme had a will. 他答应过会把卡♥通♥镇留给我们 He promised to leave Toontown to us toons. 那份遗嘱会是他遇害的一个因素 That will is the reason he got bumped off. 有人看过这份遗嘱吗? Has anybody ever seen this will? 没有

 但是他向我们庄严的发过誓 Ah, no. But he gave us his solemn oath. 如果你相信开玩笑的人也可以庄严... If you believe that joker could do anything solemn... 那么伙计

 讨论结束了 the gag"s on you, pal. 我和你讨论是因为你是那个... I just figured since you were the one... 把我的伙伴卷入麻烦的人... who got my pal in trouble... 你也许想帮他解脱此案 you might want to help get him out. 我可以给你钱 I can pay you.

 留着钱去买♥♥双婴儿鞋吧 Save your money for a pair of elevator shoes! 等等


 不要 Wait, Valiant! Don"t! 我的雪茄 Aah, my stogie! 兔子惹上麻烦不是我的错 It ain"t my fault the rabbit got himself in trouble. 我就是拍了几张不好看的照片 All I did was take a couple of lousy pictures. 宝宝是对的 The baby was right. 天啦 The hell with it. 你怎么进来的? How the hell did you get in here? 穿过邮箱孔 Through the mail slot. 我以为在里面等着是最好的... I thought it would be best if I waited inside... 看见我如何被通缉了吧 seein" as how I"m wanted for murder. 别开玩笑了

 和你谈话... No kiddin". Just talking to you... 就能让我背上私通和协助犯罪的罪名 could get me a rap for aiding and abetting. 等等

 有人知道你来这儿吗? Wait a minute. Anybody know you"re here? -没人



 -谁? -Nobody! Not a soul, except...

 -Who? 你知道

 我不知道你的办公室在哪 Well, you see, I didn"t know where your office was. 所以我问了那个报童

 他也不知道 So I asked the newsboy. He didn"t know. 然后我问了消防队员

 菜贩... So I asked the fireman, the greengrocer... 屠夫

 还有面包师...他们都不知道 the butcher, the baker...they didn"t know! 但是酒馆的小子...他知道 But the liquor store guy...he knew. 现在整个镇都知道你在这里了

 Now the whole damn town knows you"re here! 出去


 出去 Get out of here! Come on, out! 求你了


 别赶我走 Please, Eddie! Don"t throw me out. 你犯大错了


 我发誓 You"re making a big mistake. I didn"t kill anybody. I swear! 整件事都是安排

 策划和陷害我的 This whole thing"s a setup, a scam, a frame job. 哎哟

 埃迪 Ouch, Eddie. 我谁也伤害不了

 啊 I could never hurt anybody! Ow! 我人生的目标就是让人们发笑 My whole purpose in life is to make people l-l-l-laugh! 好好

 我承认 Aah! OK, OK. Sure, I admit it. 当你给我看那些杰西卡的照片时... I got a little steamed when you showed me... 我确实有点气愤 those pictures of Jessica. 然后我冲到墨水颜料俱乐部 So I rushed over to the ink and Paint Club. 但是她不在更衣室... But she wasn"t in her dressing room... 所以我写了封情书给她 so I wrote her a love letter. 等等

 等等 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. 你说

 在充满嫉妒的情况下... You"re telling me, in a fit of jealousy... 你给妻子写了封情书? you wrote your wife a love letter? 是的

 我知道她仅仅是... That"s right! I know that she was just... 环境的无辜受害者 an innocent victim of circumstance. 我猜测你用了... I suppose you used... 根陈旧的口红

 写在了日常记事板上 the old lipstick on the mirror routine.



 没有记事板 Lipstick, yes, Mirror, no. 我找了一张干净的白纸 I found a nice, clean piece of paper. "亲爱的杰西卡... "Dear Jessica... "我是多么的爱你

 我来数给你看 "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.

  " "1-1000, 2-1000, 3-1000" 你为什么不把信留着那里? Why didn"t you just leave the letter there? 当然

 一首如此充满力度和感情的诗... Obviously, a poem of this power and sensitivity must... 只有在私人场吅才能被宣读 Aaah!...be read in person. 所以我回家去等她 So I went home to wait for her. 但是那群黄鼠狼却在家等着我... But the weasels were there waiting for me... 然后我就逃走了 so...so I ran. 那么

 干吗来我这? So, why come to me? 我是那个拍你妻子照片的人 I"m the guy that took the pictures of your wife. 是啊

 而且你还是那个拯救所有卡♥通♥的人 Yeah! And you"re also the guy that helped all these toons. 每个人都知道

 只要有卡♥通♥遇难... Everybody knows when a toon"s in trouble... 只有一个地方可去...那就是维拉提

 维拉提 there"s only one place to go...Valiant and Valiant. 别再说了 Not anymore. 别坐那把椅子 Get out of that chair! 那是我哥哥的 That"s my brother"s chair. 知道了

 那你的哥哥呢? Yeah. where is your brother anyway? 他看起来像个敏感而镇静的家伙

 He looks like a sensitive and sober fellow. 是啊

 我要叫警♥察♥了 That"s it. I"m calling the cops. 那就叫吧 Go ahead. Call the cops. 我来这求助

 但你又做了什么? I come here for help, and what do you do? 你把我告发 You turn me in. 不要对我产生仸何负罪感 No. Don"t feel guilty about me. 再见

 没什么好谢的 So long. And thanks for nothing! 那是衣柜 That"s the closet! 笨蛋 Stupe! 埃迪·维拉提

 你被逮捕了 Eddie Valiant, you"re under arrest. 滚开 Get out of there! 笨蛋

 我没有手铐的钥匙 Idiot. I got no keys for these cuffs! 啊? Huh? 快

 开始拘捕 Come on, get the lead out. 快点

 快点 Move it, would ya? Move it! 是卡♥通♥巡逻队 It"s the toon patrol! 埃迪


 把我藏起来 Hide me, Eddie, pl-pl-please! 记住

 你没见过我 Remember, you never saw me. 出来 Get out of there! 别让他们找到我 Don"t let them find me. 埃迪

 你是我唯一的希望了 Come on, Eddie. You"re my only hope.


 开门 Open up in the name of the law. 求你了

 埃迪 Pl-pl-please. Eddie. 你知道对待卡♥通♥已经没有公正可言了 You know there"s no justice for toons anymore. 如果黄鼠狼们抓到我... If the weasels get their hands on me... 那我就跟被蘸剂熔化没区别了 I"m as good as dipped. 维拉提

 别逼我们使用武力 Don"t make us play rough, Valiant. 我们只想抓那只兔子 We just want the rabbit. 埃迪

 我们要怎么做? What are we going to do, Eddie? 我们准备怎么做? What are we going to do? 什么"我们"? 他们只要你这只兔子 What"s all this "we" stuffThey just want the rabbit. 老板

 看起来他们逃跑了? Looks like they gave us the slip, huh, boss? 没有

 维拉提把他藏起来了 Nah, Valiant"s got him stashed somewhere. 别动 Hold it right there! 你好

 孩子们 Hello, boys. 我没听到你们进来了 I didn"t hear you come in. 好吧


 兔子呢? OK, wise guy, where"s the rabbit? 没见过 Haven"t seen him. 这里面是什么? What"s in there? -我的内衣


 维拉提 -My lingerie.

 -Sheesh, Valiant. 伙计们

 搜搜这地方 Search the place, boys. 挖地三尺也要找出来

 And leave no stone unturned. 听着


 我们得到可靠线报... Look, Valiant, we got the reliable info... 那只兔子就在这 the rabbit was here. 好几个人都举报过 It was corrugated by several others. 所以别废话了 So cut the bull shtick. 你再如此无礼的说话... You keep talking like that... 我就把你的臭嘴好好洗洗 and I"m going to have to wash your mouth out. 别笑了 Stop that laughing! 别笑了

 你们知道继续笑... Stop that laughing! You know what happens... 会有什么后果? when you can"t stop laughing? 这几天你们会死于狂笑的 One of these days, you"re gonna die laughing! 对你


 再不吅作... As for you, Valiant, step out of line... 你和你的侦探所就会完蛋 and we"ll hang you and your laundry out to dry. 快点


 咱们撤 Come on, boys. Let"s am-scray. 他们走了 They"re gone. 天啊


 太棒了 Jeepers, Eddie. That was swell. 你救了我

 我怎么报答你啊? You saved my life. How can I ever repay you? 首先

 别再亲我了 For starters, don"t ever kiss me again. 不要再踢我好不好? Will you stop kicking me? 别踢我 Stop kicking me! 德洛丽丝

 德洛丽丝 Dolores! Dolores!

 德洛丽丝 Dolores! 埃迪

 你上了今天报纸的头条了 Hey, Eddie, you made the front page today. -我猜我花费了报社不少墨水

 -什么墨水 -I guess I made some ink.

 -What ink! 埃迪

 让我出来 Come on, Eddie. Let go. 让我出来 Please let go! 告诉我


 是有只兔子在你的口袋里吗... So tell me, Eddie, is that a rabbit in your pocket... 还是你只是很高兴见到我? or are you just happy to see me? 别搞笑了


 今天过的真不爽 Cut the comedy, Dolores. I"ve had a very hard day. 我得弄掉这副手铐 I got to get out of these cuffs. 天啦 Oh, swell. 天啊


 这要憋死我了 Jeepers, Eddie! That almost killed me. 这是什么...一间密室? What is this...some kind of a secret room? 这是间防腐室

 仍戒酒令开始就有了 It"s a rot-gut room. Holdover from prohibition. 知道了



 私人酒吧 Oh, I get it...a speakeasy, a gin mill, a hooch parlor. 埃迪

 把卡♥通♥放到这儿来 Tools are up here, Eddie. 看

 这是个窥探孔 Look at this! It"s a spy hole. 天啊


 这个藏身的好地方 Jeepers, Eddie. This"ll be a great place to hide. 疯兔子 Crazy toon! 小心头 Watch your head. 我以为你仍没接手过其他的卡♥通♥案子 I thought you said you"d never take another toon case. 你怎么会改变看法的呢?

 What did you have, a change of heart? 没有改变啊 Nothing"s changed. 有人让我成就了一个被陷害的人... Somebody"s made a patsy outta me... 我要查出其中的蹊跷 and I"m going to find out why! 别动不行吗? Hold still, will ya? -这样可以吗? -是的

 谢谢 -Does this help? -Yeah, thanks. 你不是说仸何时候你都不能.. Do you mean to tell me you could"ve taken your hand... 弄开那个手铐吗? out of that cuff at any time? 是啊


 除非搞笑时可以 No, not at any time. Only when it was funny. 滚 Get out! 埃迪

 你的幽默感哪去了 Eddie, 他总是这么有趣吗... Is he always this funny... 还是只有他被通缉谋杀时才这样? or only on days when he"s wanted for murder? 听着

 我的哲学是... Listen, my philosophy is this... 如果你没有幽默感... if you don"t have a good sense of humor... 你最好死了算了 you"re better off dead. 除非我能查明这是怎么回事... You just may get your wish... 你才能实现你的愿望 unless I can figure out what happened to this! 埃迪

 这是什么? What is it, Eddie? 看看吧 Just look at it. 埃克先生的遗嘱 Mr.Acme"s will.


 我想是马龙策划的... Yeah, and I think Maroon played the part of sound mind... 而你的妻子则执行 and your wife the sound body. 为什么

 我憎恨这么影射人 Why, I resent that innuendo! 埃迪

 这里面有什么阴谋? What"s the scheme, Eddie? 我认为他们还没找到遗嘱 I don"t think they got to the will. 你怎么知道? But how do you ...

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